Page 26 of Bad Luck Vampire

“Okay, so... How was the date side of things with Tybo?” Bobby said now, pulling the sugar and sweetener out of the cupboard while Lise grabbed spoons. “And don’t deflect with more descriptions of the wedding itself. We don’t care about what people were wearing or how the food was, or—and hey,” he said suddenly, interrupting himself. “You texted me that the wedding was three and a half hours outside of Toronto?”

Sophie nodded. “It was at a golf course called the Shady Pines or something. Tybo said it was about three and a half hours southwest of Toronto... Or was it southeast?” she pondered now, not sure anymore.

“That’s a heck of a drive,” Lise commented.

“It is,” Bobby agreed. “What time did you get home this morning?”

“About one o’clock. Maybe one thirty,” Sophie answered.

“Wow,” Megan said with surprise. “You didn’t stay long at the wedding, then. You must have left shortly after the meal.”

Sophie shook her head. “We stayed until well after midnight,” she told them and explained, “We didn’t drive. We took a helicopter down and a plane back.”

“What?” the three of them said as one. Even Mr. Tomlinson glanced over his paper with eyebrows raised.

Sophie grinned at their reaction and nodded. “I know, right? It was definitely interesting. Although, I have to say I preferred the plane.”

Sophie had turned to finish pouring the four cups full of coffee when Bobby asked, “So, how was Tybo? Another Carl or a gentleman?”

“Definitely a gentleman,” Sophie assured them. “Actually, he was sweet and kind and we got along great. He’s a nice guy.”

“So, will there be another date?” Megan asked at once.

Sophie shook her head as she added sugar and cream to her coffee. “No. I mean he’s good-looking and nice and makes a great date, but there was no chemistry.”

“On your end or his?” Bobby asked at once, glancing past her to the open door of the break room.

“On either end,” she said, stirring her coffee. “We talked about it and agreed to just be friends.” Actually, much to her relief, it had been Tybo who had brought it up, saying that while he thought she was beautiful and he’d enjoyed their date, he suspected the groom’s cousin, Alasdair, was attracted to her and he was pretty sure she was attracted to him too. Sophie had immediately felt guilty that her attraction to Alasdair had been obvious enough that the man she was on a date with had noticed, but he’d assured her it was fine. These things happened, he’d said, and then asked if it would be okay if he gave Alasdair her number if he asked. She’d said yes, and he’d kissed her on the cheek and left her at her door.

Sophie had spent most of her waking time since then wondering if Alasdair would call.

“If you agreed to just be friends, then who’s sending you flowers?” Bobby asked.

“What?” she asked with confusion.

Bobby gestured to the doorway. “Janice just carried flowers into your office. A big arrangement with tons of red roses and a heart balloon. I’m pretty sure friends don’t send friends those kinds of arrangements, so if you and Tybo are just friends, who sent the flowers?”

Eyes widening, Sophie looked toward the door to see Janice passing, obviously returning from one of the offices. Not really sure if Bobby was telling the truth or just teasing her, she headed out of the break room, unsurprised when the others followed. She was surprised, however, at the floral arrangement sitting on her desk when she got to her office.

“Dear God,” Sophie breathed with amazement as she slowed to approach her desk. The floral arrangement was a thing of beauty. And huge. At least two dozen red roses had been arranged with baby’s breath and various pink and white flowers in a bloodred vase.

“Yeah. I’m thinking Tybo didn’t get the message that you’re just friends,” Megan said dryly, moving up beside her.

“Maybe he’s just thanking you for being his date,” Lise suggested. “I mean, agreeing to be a date for a wedding is a big deal if you aren’t already dating someone. Especially if the other person is a member of the wedding party.”

“Then wouldn’t it be a thank you balloon rather than a thinking of you balloon?” Bobby asked.

Sophie’s gaze finally shifted from the arrangement to the balloon that stuck out above the flowers. It was a medium-sized, heart-shaped red one and did read Thinking of You.

“There’s a card,” Lise pointed out. “See what it says.”

“Ooooo, a card,” Megan said, reaching for it.

Sophie snatched it up before her friend could grab it and quickly opened the envelope to pull out the little card inside. Her eyes widened and her heart stopped briefly.

“Who’s Alasdair?” Megan asked, reading over her shoulder.

“No one.” Sophie quickly slid the card back into the envelope, her heart pounding like a drum. Alasdair had sent her flowers.