Page 99 of Destiny

“There will be no blemishes,” Joe says, “if I have to pay those damned things myself.”

I draw in a deep breath to keep from reacting. I manage to keep my mouth shut.

“Ava,” Melanie says, “you’ve been through so much in the past couple of weeks. Are you sure you’re up for this?”

“I have to be, Aunt Mel. I’m the only one who can do this.”

“I can do it,” Ryan says.

Ava grabs Ryan’s arm. “Daddy, no. Not as long as you won’t call her Mother. And if you start calling her Mother now, she’ll see right through that. I’ve been calling her Grandmother this whole time, partially because I felt it, but partially also to manipulate her. She has a soft spot for that.”

Ryan nods. “You’re right. All right, Ava. If you think you can do it. But I want to be with you.”

“But Daddy, can’t you see? Youcan’tbe with me. She loves you. You’re her son and she loves you, but she doesn’t trust you the way she trusts me.”

“She’s right, babe.” Ruby pats Ryan’s arm.

“I want to go with you,” I say.

“You can’t, Brendan,” Ava says. “This is all me. It’s what she’s waiting for, and I have to pretend to play along.”

“I suppose you’re right.” I sigh. “When will this end?”

Joe’s phone buzzes, and he pulls it out of his pocket. “It’s Donny.” He puts it to his ear. “Hey, Don.”


“Jesus. Seriously?”


“I’m on it.” Joe ends the call. “Apparently Donny got some more visitors at the office today. More people in town who got letters from a law firm saying the Steel Trust is closing on their liens. Not just business owners either. Residential property owners.”

“Those people can’t afford that,” Ava says.

“I know that, Ava,” Joe says. “Ryan, we need to get Talon, Bryce, and Marjorie and have a meeting. Tonight if possible.”

Ryan nods. “I’ll text Talon and Bryce.”

“In the meantime,” Ava says. “I’m going to talk to my grandmother.”

“Baby…” I begin.

“I’ll be okay, Brendan. I promise.”

I drive home alone, leaving Ava at her uncle’s without a car to get home. That’s no biggie. The Steels have plenty of cars.

It’s early still, so I stop at my parents’ home. Dad is still awake, watching TV.

“Brendan, what are you doing here?”

“I came by to pick something up.” I walk into the living room. “By the way, I talked to some of the Steels. Evidently others have gotten letters like ours.”

“I know that. I’ve been fielding calls all day about it. We’re going to have a city meeting tomorrow.”

“A city meeting?”

“Yeah, son. The Steels are basically foreclosing on the town.”