Page 122 of Destiny

My skin chills. Did my grandmother just admit to being behind the death of Sean Murphy? All this time, and Brendan and his father may have their answer.

“I think Brad always knew,” Wendy says. “He couldn’t prove it, but he knew.”

“Knew what?”

“He knew…that I…that Sean…”

My grandmother sucks in a breath.

Sirens on her equipment start blaring.

Jemima and Dr. Parks race into the bedroom.

“Miss,” Jemima says, “you need to get out of here. Right now!”

I back up from the bed, but I have no intention of leaving.

“Damn it!” She was in excellent health.

“Jemima, get the crash cart!” Dr. Parks checks Wendy’s neck. “A faint pulse.”

“No! You can’t let her die.” Tears erupt in my eyes. “I need her! I don’t have all the answers!”

“Get out of here, now!”

But I don’t leave. I watch as Jemima takes over with CPR while Dr. Parks readies the paddles.

“Come on, come on!” Jemima pants.

“Charging to two hundred,” Parks says.

Jemima moves Wendy’s gown out of the way, and Dr. Parks places the paddles on my grandmother’s chest.


The electricity flows into my grandmother.

“I’ve lost her pulse, Doctor,” Jemima says.

“Damn it, old woman.” Dr. Parks places the paddles on Wendy’s chest once more.


Then again.


And again.


“Come on,” I say through gritted teeth. “If you care anything about me at all, Grandmother, do. Not. Die.”


And then—

Just a line.