Page 48 of Destiny

I can’t help a smirk. “You’ll have to tell me more than that. You know I have many cousins.”

He doesn’t reply.

“I hope you’re not talking about Pat Lamone.”

“For Christ’s sake, Ava. I’m talking about Donny. Donny and Callie were just at the bar because I had some questions.”

“What kind of questions?”

“About the insurance claim on my place. You see, I got an interesting phone call once I left here. Seems my claim hasn’t even been adjusted yet. They were calling to apologize for the delay.”

I bite my lip, fiddle with my lip ring.

“Stop doing that. You know how that makes me—” He grabs me, crashes his lips to mine.

I open for him. It’s instinct, pure and simple. Our bodies speak to each other. Even when our minds are angry, our bodies speak to each other in passion and desire.

He breaks the kiss almost as suddenly, wiping his mouth. “Fuck it all.”


“I just have one question for you, Ava. Did you know? Did you know that your fucking family paid for my so-called insurance claim?”


“Just answer, damn it.”

“I did, Brendan. I did—”

He opens his mouth, but I hold up my hand to stop him.

“Wait just a minute. I only just found out. Brock told me.”

I let out a breath. “Good old Brock.”

“And I told him how much you would hate it.”

“I do hate it, but here’s the question, Ava. Why didn’t you tell me? As soon as you found out, you should’ve told me.”

I bite my lip again, fiddle with my ring, and then I stop. He’s going to accuse me of turning him on again.

Hell, what do I care? So I fiddle with my lip ring. If it turns him on, good.

He stands rigid beside me, clenching his jaw.

“I don’t know why I didn’t tell you.”

“Did Brock tell you not to?”

I rack my brain. Did he? Right now all I can think about is that kiss.

“Honestly, I don’t remember, Brendan. Maybe he did, and maybe he didn’t.”

“It’s irrelevant. You should’ve told me when you found out. How are we supposed to have a relationship when you keep secrets from me?”

“I… I knew it would upset you, and—”

He drops his gaze and turns away from me. “So you decided, unilaterally, not to tell me. Great.”