Page 43 of Destiny

But…I’m worried for her.

Worried enough that—

I pick up my phone. My first instinct is to call Ryan, but I can’t.

So I decide to call Donny.

“City of Snow Creek,” says a bright feminine voice that I don’t recognize. Did they get a new receptionist?

“Hi. Brendan Murphy for Donny Steel, please.”

“I’m sorry. Mr. Steel is out of the office. Would you like to leave a message?”

“Yes, please let him know I called.” I end the call.

Maybe I’ll call Ryan after all.

Except my phone buzzes again—Silverthorne Insurance.

“Yeah?” I say, not nicely.

“Mr. Murphy, Nigel from Silverthorne again. How are you?”

“The same as I was ten minutes ago.”

“Seems we’ve got some weird things going on with this claim,” he says. “I checked with the higher-ups, and they say there’s only one claim and it hasn’t been processed yet. Plus, we have not waived the deductible. We only do that in extenuating circumstances.”

“Well, you did it for me. If you want to pay me again, I won’t complain.”

“The point is that wehaven’tpaid you yet. And I found out why. We were waiting for the results of the investigation.”

“What investigation?”

“There seemed to be some question about whether”—he clears his throat—“youcaused the damage yourself.”

“Are you kidding me? You think I trashed my own place?”

“No, we don’t think that, which is why your claim is on my desk now. Our investigation indicates that your claim is valid and your damages are covered.”

“Which you guys already paid, very handsomely.”

“I’m not sure how you think we could’ve paid it yet, sir, since we haven’t sent out an adjuster yet to look at the damages.”

“Yeah, you did. I talked to him myself.”

Another pause. “Do you happen to remember his name?”


“Did he give you a card?”

“Not that I recall.”

“Mr. Murphy, our adjusters always give an insured a card. That way you know how to get in touch with them.”

“I don’t have time for this. You guys already paid me. I appreciate it. Now goodbye.” I end the call.

More and more red tape. Just because someone screwed up, and now they’re harassing me.