We exit the bathroom, and to my surprise, Ash is sitting in a booth with Luca and Parker, laughing about something. No trace of anything bad like the possibility of him being arrested. Also, he’s wearing a pair of gray school sweats now. I let out a deep breath.
Janelle claps my back. “One of these days, you guys’ luck is going to run out. You need to be more careful, Pay.”
“I know,” I tell her. I do know, he just makes it so hard. When we are together, I don’t remember our ages, or the repercussions of what could come if our relationship became public anytime soon, but I need to remember because it’s a very real thing. I don’t know what happened with Mr. Burton, he’s no where in sight but Ash is happy, so I’m hoping everything is okay. I have a sinking feeling in the back of my mind that it’s not.
“Bummer I don’t get to see the evidence of what you did, though.”
We are laughing when we walk up to the table with my teammates.
“Where the hell have you been?” Monica asks, announcing my entrance to the whole dining room. It’s our team and a few families. Ash glances my way and winks.
I let out yet another sigh. Maybe it really is okay.
“Found her stuck on the shitter,” Janelle tells everyone.
I shoot her a glare and elbow her stomach. “I was on the bus icing my knee. Coach waited for me.”
Alyssa rolls her eyes but I ignore her. Everyone else, those that don’t know the truth, seems to believe me, so I take my seat next to Mika and ignore how easy it has become to lie to everyone’s face.
The boutique is nicer than I expected. I’m not sure what most high-end boutiques look like but I didn’t expect white marble floors, matching white marble walls, gold accents, and crystal chandeliers. At least not in Bayshore. I look down at my clothes. I knew we would be given clothes to wear but I look like I’m lost with my black yoga pants and a gray school sweatshirt.
People walk around setting up but not a single person I recognize. Bayshore isn’t a huge town, so it’s weird not to recognize at least one person when you go somewhere, and the ten or so people walking around in full black outfits don’t look the least bit familiar.
“Yes, can I help you?”
I do a double take at the woman walking toward me in the highest heels I’ve ever seen and maybe the tightest off-white dress as well. It hugs her body like it was sewn just for her and her thin figure. Then I realize it probably was. She gives off an expensive aura; I’m sure all the clothes she wears are tailored specifically for her. A mix of Heidi Klum with Serena van der Woodsen’s hair.
“Miss?” Her voice is less friendly since I haven’t answered and have just been staring at her like a freak.
“Uh, yeah, I’m here for the—” Why does saying fashion show sound so ridiculous?
“Yes, the fashion show. Everyone else is in the back.” Her lips twist and she hasn’t lifted her eyes from my body and the unimpressed pinch of her face leaves behind an ugly feeling of self-awareness. Because I’m fully aware I wouldn’t look like she does in anything I put my body into.
“You can join them . . .” It sounds like a but is coming and I brace for it. Thankful the door behind me opens, someone steps inside but because I’m so close, their body brushes against mine. I yelp and do my best to jump away only to meet Ash’s stormy eyes when I do.
He stares at me for a second longer before lifting his eyes to the woman next to me. I want to shove her away to bring his eyes back to me.
“I’m Ash Pearson. I’m assuming you must be the owner, based on Mrs. Wick’s description.” What the hell does that mean? What did Janelle’s mom say? He extends a big hand. “We emailed a few times.”
Great, she has his email. No one emails anymore, Payson. Stop it.
Ash might not be affected by her but she’s definitely not immune to him.
“Yes!” Where was that excitement with me? “Chanel.” She slips her dainty hand in his. Of course her name is fucking Chanel. “I had no idea Ashley Pearson was a man. An extremely handsome one at that.”
Oh for fuck’s sake.
Ash grimaces when she says his name. They are still holding hands and I want to take the pen from her hand and stab his eyes out. “Ash, please.” He drops his hand.
Chanel giggles like she’s twelve and no joke, flips her hair over her shoulder. “Of course, forgive me, I’m just so blown away by how handsome you are.”
Two times she’s called him handsome in the span of one freaking minute.
Once again, he ignores her. Instead turning his attention to the room. Looking at the catwalk and the fifty or so white chairs that surround it. Nerves settle in low. The walkway isn’t long, but the longest I’ve ever walked on. Which is none.