Page 35 of Leave Me Broken

“I need to play now.”

I sigh and look to the doctor, hoping he can give my girl some good news. I don’t know how smart it is playing on a strained ACL, but I can’t fucking stand the look of disappointment in her eyes. If I have to watch her from the bench like I did today for the rest of the season, I will lose my fucking mind.

“We can send you home with a stock size today until your custom comes in. I will have it sent to your local hospital and the orthopedic surgeon will make sure the fit is correct.”

Finally, Payson smiles. It’s not big and it doesn’t meet her eyes but it’s better than nothing.

He measures Payson’s legs, the good and bad to see how bad the swelling is. He frowned, so I’m thinking it’s not great, but Payson is happier now, so I’m happier.

I’m not happy. Far from happy, and Alyssa and her dad will receive a visit from me as soon as I have Payson settled at home, but for now, my main focus is Payson. The way I like it.

“You didn’t have to do that,” Payson murmurs as we walk away from the desk in the doctor’s office. “Pay for the visit. I’m technically covered under my mom’s insurance.” Her eyebrows furrow. “I think.”

Now that we are in the hallway and no one knows who we are, I thread my fingers between hers and cup her cheek with the other hand. I stroke her soft cheek and stare into her big green eyes. “You will share my name one day, Jailbird. It does not matter if it’s five years from now”—it wont be that long—“or tomorrow. What’s mine is yours.”

She sinks into my hand and flutters her thick eyelashes. “I secretly like when you talk like that.”

I chuckle as I lean in and kiss her forehead. “I know you do, babygirl.”

“What are we going to do about Alyssa?” Luca mutters.

I glance in my mirror at the sleeping girl in my back seat. She passed out right after we ate. She insisted on going through McDonald’s and used her injury as leverage, so after she polished off her cheeseburger and gave her extra fries to Parker, they fell asleep. I’m doing my best to ignore how close they are. Her head is on her pillow in the middle and his is still on the seat but one bump away from falling next to hers. I don’t know how they are comfortable since they are still buckled but fuck, if she doesn’t look so cute. Her leg is stretched out between my seat and my door. Her foot is swollen but I’ll get her my ice machine and hopefully that will work. The doctor said ice for fifteen minutes every hour but my machine will do better than an ice pack. Even if it’s not torn, we will do our best to keep it that way. If that requires a little over the top protection than so be it.

I sigh and bring myself back to present time. Luca eyes me from his side but waits patiently for me to get out of my head. He’s used to it when Payson is around. It’s hard to focus on anything but her. “I do not know.”

“We have to do something, Ashley. She purposely hurt her teammate. Again.”

I clench my jaw. “You think I don’t know that? That teammate is my girlfriend.”

“La tua ragazza? Is it finally official?”

“Official enough.” I eye Payson again with the need to touch her. She’s talked about how she worries I might not be real, but she has no clue I feel the same way about her.

I’ve waited thirty-three years to feel a love like this. Grew up watching the best love story between my parents. My sister found love in grade ten and they are still together. My grandparents were married until death. Everyone around me has been in love, and I’ve watched and waited for my moment, sure it would never come. Then a short brunette with eyes so green and mesmerizing walked into my life, and I felt it instantly. I wrap a hand over her bare foot and squeeze gently, wiggling her light blue painted toenails. As long as Payson is in my life, I know everything will work out.

I hate leaving Payson; I want to be there to wait on her hand and foot, but I know her granddad will do a brilliant job caring for her while I deal with the Burtons. I called Chuck after the short talk with Luca, telling him we needed to meet. He tried to tell me he was busy, but I wasn’t buying that shit and told him to clear his schedule because I was coming over and speaking with him—schedule full or not. Alyssa has gone too far. Payson could press charges, and I almost wish she would. I’m sure the gym has cameras. I’m not sure how clear it would be, but Luca said it was obvious Alyssa’s “trip” was on purpose. She was in major pain when we finally got home and that was the only reason I didn’t mention pressing charges. I’ll tell her it’s an option she has and I will support her no matter what. I don’t want to see Alyssa get in trouble per se, because I know how her dad will act, but I won’t sit back and watch her hurt the people around her. Especially when Payson is one of those people. Alyssa needs a reality check, and I’m going to give it to her if no one else will.

I park next to the black Range Rover and cut my engine. I should have changed from my team windbreaker before coming here but I just wanted to get it over with. Luca wanted to come too but I asked him to stay home with Parker. He doesn’t need a babysitter but he’s in a new house in a new country. I don’t like leaving him alone if I don’t have to, and I can handle this meeting without Luca.

I only have to knock two times before the door flies open and a short, round woman stands behind it not making eye contact.

Normally I might greet her but not today. I’m feeling extra combative, and it wouldn’t be fair for me to blow up at her.

“Mr. Burton and Mr. Gilbert are waiting in the den for you, Mr. Pearson,” the woman tells me softly.

Chuck and Jethro? I want to roll my eyes. Somehow Jethro is always fucking involved with shit. His nose is always where it shouldn’t be. Ever since that first day with Payson and the way he was looking at her, I haven’t liked him. It wasn’t like Chuck, and I can’t put my finger on the look in his eyes when he was watching Payson, but it wasn’t normal, and I am not a fan.

My trainers squeak with every step across the original wood floors. The walls are a matching wood, and it makes the big room look even bigger. The ceilings are also wood but so tall it doesn’t shrink the room either. Their entry looks more like a ballroom than an entry. Chuck throws enough parties that I have actually seen it used as a ballroom once. A beautiful house with a wretched family living inside of it. There are not photographs anywhere, only adding to the coldness of Chuck’s heart.

I hate him.

I drum my knuckles against the large door at the end of the first hallway on the right. I’ve been in here one other time to “toast to me being the coach.” It was really a way for him to butter me up in a lame way to get his daughter on my team. I made it clear that my team could not be bought and whoever made my team would need to earn it. He laughed but it wasn’t a nice laugh. Alyssa only made my team because she was good, unfortunately, and had nothing to do with her father’s attempt at bribery.

It takes longer than the front door but eventually the wooden door in front of me opens. It’s not Chuck who opens the door, instead is a young redheaded female. Definitely not his wife. I’ve met her—once, it wasn’t a great experience, considering she threw herself at me. This girl looks the opposite of her right now. Terrified and young. Not illegal young, but early twenties, at most. Chuck is not younger than fifty and age gaps shouldn’t disgust me but anything involving Chuck is fucking gross.

“Ahh, Ashley.” I hate when he calls me that. It’s my name and my family uses it. Even Payson when she’s annoyed with me but I’m okay with that. Chuck, I’m not okay with. I introduced myself as Ash and I know he uses it as a weak attempt to manipulate me. Like I know you hate it but I’m going to do it anyway just to show I’m a dick. I grew up with money, nothing like this but enough to have grown up around people like the Burtons. They act as if money makes them invincible but eventually money stops saving you, and I can’t wait for their downfall. He’s a mayor. He’s a mayor who owns a few businesses in Bayshore. You can’t convince me he isn’t sitting pretty on dirty money, and eventually dirty laundry must be aired.

“Chuck.” I dip my head and step through the door.