“I have no advice to give you. Seemed like the better option than just staring at you, Payson.”
I crack a smile and squeeze him tight before we pull away. “Thanks.”
“I would say anytime but I have had enough of touching for today. So please wait at least a month before you require any kind of physical touch from me again.”
“This was Payson’s favorite dessert when her nana was alive. I haven’t made it in years, but I think it’s important for you to learn so let’s test our hand at banana crème pie, shall we?”
Since Payson’s grandpa got home from the hospital, and we discussed me and Payson, he has been schooling me in the subject of Payson. He says if he will ever be okay with us, he has to know I will take care of her the way he thinks she should be cared for. I don’t think knowing how to make banana crème pie will change how I care for her, but I have been enjoying these afternoons with Paul. I follow the recipes he gives me, and he sits in his chair and tells me various stories. Sometimes he will just play music, and while Christian music isn’t my go-to, I have to admit it’s calming. Which I need lately because Payson and I haven’t had sex since Week of Pink and she doesn’t seem in a rush to. I don’t blame her, of course but I’m addicted to slipping inside her wet—
“Her nana always made the crust first.” Paul’s voice cuts through my thoughts like a cold shower.
“I will do the same, then.”
I followed Payson’s nan’s recipe down to the ¼ teaspoon of cornstarch. It’s nearly time for school to be done and the pie is in the fridge, ready to surprise Payson. Paul even ordered her favorite pizza. I texted Luca since he was picking Parker up today, telling him to let Parker change, then to come by and eat with us. He’s still mad at me, after finding out about my and Payson’s new hobby together but Luca doesn’t turn down free food so he should still show up.
I’m going to attempt to get Payson to come over this weekend, but I don’t know how to address that with her granddad. He’s not come around to us being together fully; I doubt asking her to sleep over would go over well but I need Luca and Parker to see we are still good together.
“I’m home!” Payson calls. Her light footfalls barely make any noise across the vinyl flooring as she heads toward us. She smiles when she sees me, and my heart settles. You never know what mood you will get from Payson lately. Tonight seems like a good one.
“How was school?” Paul sets his book down and greets her with a kiss to the cheek before he wanders over to the counter for his water. I offered to grab it, he insisted he got it. Yesterday was a calmer day as he was under the weather, but he is in good spirits today. I know there will be a lot of back-and-forth like that, much like Payson, you’re not sure what you’re going to get, so it’s best to enjoy the good times.
I grab Payson’s hand on her way past me. I pull her closer and cup the back of her head. She looks Paul’s way with shock, but I know he’s not facing us, so I press my lips to her soft ones. She melts into me and pets my beard and lets out the cutest little moan that shoots right to my dick.
The sound of someone clearing their throat has Payson jumping back and her face burning bright red.
Paul settles into his chair with a firm look pointed at me.
“Uh, school was . . . good.”
“Why are you not in your uniform?”
She’s not. I hadn’t noticed. This Payson is the one I’m used to seeing, it didn’t even register she wasn’t in her sexy little skirt and shirt.
“Uh . . . long story.” She shoots a guilty look at me. I narrow my eyes. What on earth could cause her to change her clothes at school, and why would she feel guilty about it? “I need to use the bathroom; I’ll be right back.”
Much to my luck, Paul gets a phone call and I can slip to the back of the trailer to get to the bottom of whatever has Payson acting off. The bathroom door doesn’t have a lock, and I don’t bother knocking before I barge inside.
Payson gasps and looks at me with wide eyes. In her hand is a . . . bloody tampon. My brows furrow. “You’re on your period?” I hadn’t expected her to be pregnant or anything, but I’ll always be hopeful. Seeing the bloody tampon fills me with a disappointment I wasn’t anticipating, and she must see it on my face.
“Obviously,” she snaps. “Now get out.”
“I love you and understand your hormones are all over the place”—I close the space between us and drop to my knees in front of her—“it has been too long since I’ve been buried inside your pussy for you to give me that kind of attitude.”
Her throat bobs with a swallow and her eyes fill with need. “Well, I’m on my period so it’s going to be even longer, I guess.”
Silly, naïve little girl. I skate my hand up her bare thigh. She attempts to close her legs, but I hold them open with my other hand. “Ash,” she hisses when I slip my hand between her beautiful tanned thighs.
“If you think your period is going to stop me.” I chuckle as I hook two fingers inside her cunt. “You’re mistaken, babygirl.”
She doesn’t allow me more than three pumps before she whines, and not in the way she normally does, this one is out of discomfort and that’s the only reason I pull my hand back. She locks into the deep red blood dripping down my hand.
“Wash your hand,” she demands.