Page 144 of Leave Me Broken

After a quick glance in the mirror to make sure I look fine. Igor tugs on my arm. “You look fine, let us get you out of the men’s bathroom.”

It was the guys’ time to warm up, so they left me to get my own food. Which is fine. I’m actually feeling better, and I don’t want Ash asking questions because there’s not really a good excuse why I was in the men’s bathroom with three guys. If Ash finds out about the pills, he will lose his mind.

Igor was right, the food helped make me feel even better. I almost feel normal now. After a walk around the lobby, I find myself eyeing a table with homemade jewelry. I originally stopped because I saw some earrings I thought my mom would like. Then I remembered she is dead so it doesn’t matter what earrings she would like. I pick up one of the other pieces—a bracelet this time. Orange and gold beads with black thread. I’m not sure why but it makes me think of Ash, so I buy it. The lady was so happy with the sale, it made me smile.

She passes me the bracelet in a bag and a small card.

Once I walk away, I pull the card out and read what it says.

It is said whoever wears this bracelet will have luck on their side.

The lucky numbers are 4,4,4,3,0

“What is that?”

I jump hearing the rumble of Ash’s voice in my ear. Spinning, I grin up to him. “For you, actually.” I push the bracelet in his direction.

He grabs it and holds it up, then lifts an eyebrow. “You bought me a bracelet,” he deadpans.

“Just put it on.” I giggle. “I think it will look good against your skin.

“It is funny you got this for me because . . .” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small bag that looks the same as the one I just bought.

“You’re kidding.”

He smiles a heartbreaking smile and tips the bag upside down in his hand. He holds a blue and green beaded bracelet toward me. The thread is white, and it really is so pretty. “Made me think of you. I was going to wait to give it to you on the plane.”

I wish I could kiss him right now. “I love it.”

“And I love you.”

My heart thunders and my cheeks blush. I can tell he is waiting to hear it back, but the words are caught in my throat. So, instead, I take a step back toward the gym. “Want to go watch?”

I’ve disappointed him, but he pushes it down and nods. “Sure, lets go.”



The gym erupts in the loudest cheering yet, or maybe I’m bias because it’s my team they are cheering for. They deserve it. My girls kicked fucking ass. This game might not count toward our season, but I couldn’t be prouder.

Maybe when we win states, but for now, this is the proudest I’ve been all season.

It’s been the longest week and they have had really no breaks. I know they are tired, but they still pulled through and we won. Now if we can just do that for the next couple weeks.

So many people congratulate me and the girls, I’m lost in a sea of people, pink confetti, and pink balloons.

Valerie is announcing how much we raised, I listen to hear million, then I stop. I’m not sure how many millions but we raised a million. That feels fucking good.

I high-five each of my girls besides two. Janelle because she ignored me and walked away to greet her dad, who was not shy about his glaring either. And Payson. Because she’s too busy being passed around like a rag doll by the mens’ teams.

If I could punch every single one of the scrawny guys for hugging my girl, I would. Eventually, after way, way too long, they stop passing her, but she’s stuck under some tosser’s arm like they are old friends.

Unable to help myself, I tread forward and wrap a hand around Payson’s front, spanning almost the width of her flat stomach. There are enough people around I don’t worry who might see besides the ones I want to.

Their smiles and laughter stop right away as they watch me place my claim where my claim is due. Payson shoots a worried look at me, then to her new friends. She struggles to step away, but I don’t let her.

“You are Ash Pearson, right?” one of the guys says after a long and awkward minute. Awkward for them, not me.