“Me too.”
After a long day at the gym and a long talk with my son, I am looking forward to a night to myself. I feel better about things with Parker. He talked about how bad he feels, and he doesn’t even know why he did it. He cried and confessed how much he cares for Janelle and wants her back. I didn’t know how to tell him she isn’t going to forgive him, at least not anytime soon, so I told him he needs to start with an apology. I warned him she might not forgive him and he needs to accept that too. He messed up and has to deal with the consequences from it. It ended with us hugging and him saying he loves me, and for the first time, I feel like a real dad.
I pull my phone from my pocket and shoot a text off to my dad. It’s late over there since it’s nearly eight p.m. here, but he will get it in the morning.
Me: Thanks for being the best role model growing up. Love you.
Parker wanders into my and Luca’s room, he stops and holds his arms out. “Well?”
“Like father, like son.” I mock his pose because we are essentially wearing the same outfit. Black trousers, black shirt. I have my sleeves rolled and first two buttons undone just enough to show some chest hair I know Payson loves. I help him roll his sleeves, telling him how it looks better and women love men’s forearms.
Luca, on the other hand, wears only sweats and is lying on the bed, hand deep in a bag of crisps. “It’s terrifying how similar he looks to you at that age, fratello.”
“Just means he will stay good looking as he ages.”
Luca grins and stuffs his mouth with more crisps.
“Why are you not getting ready?” Parker falls onto the bed next to him and grabs a handful as well.
“The adult party isn’t until nine. I need twenty minutes to shower, twenty minutes for my hair, and five to dress; plus, you don’t want to be on time. I don’t plan on stepping out of this room until ten p.m.”
Someone knocks on our door and immediately my heart beats harder in my chest knowing who is waiting on the other side. The girls had gone shopping for dresses for tonight and Janelle had promised she would make sure Payson got something I would enjoy, and I told her make sure it’s easily removable because I missed out on touching her all day in the way I want. She will be lucky if we make it outside the hotel room.
Bloody fucking hell. Yeah, she will be very lucky if we make it outside this bedroom. Payson stands in front of me with big eyes, a bright smile, looking so beautiful it fucking hurts. Then I take in her outfit and the pain drops to my dick as it struggles to grow against my two pairs of compression shorts and the zipper of my pants. I do not want my boner to ruin our night. However, if I am forced to stare at the curve of Payson’s mostly exposed tits all night, it’s inevitable.
Her dress is a short, long sleeve wrap-style with a deep v neck that’s making it impossible to look away. I’ve seen her breasts naked, in a sports bras, in a sexy as fuck dress at the fashion show but never have I seen her wear anything that accentuates her breasts in the way this dress does. It’s classy but her body is making it look anything but. Her nails are freshly painted light pink, probably from her night with her friends, and she uses two fingers to tip my chin so our eyes meet again. Her makeup is done similar to the fashion show night, dark eyes but her lips are bright red. My heartbeat drops to my cock, imagining them wrapped around it.
“Bloody hell, Jailbird.”
She smiles even more and flicks her fluffy ponytail over her shoulder. “Bloody hell yourself.”
I wrap my hand around her back but pull away when her dress stabs at my flesh. Not painful, just irritating. Especially because I’m used to the softness of her skin.
“And that is why we went with that one.” Janelle strides into the room, not bothering to wait for an invite. She spins and pins me with a hard look. “This is my best friend’s first date. You’re not going to ruin it by never making it out of here, or worse, pulling her into the bathroom of wherever you are taking her and ruining all my hard work.”
“Remember the friendship agreement from earlier? I’m calling it off,” I growl.
Janelle grins, unbothered. “No takesies backsies.”
Payson giggles and walks the rest of the way in the room as well. I let the door shut, then pull her back into my body, ignoring the irritating material.
“You ladies look divine,” Luca says, with a mouthful of food.
“You don’t, why are you not dressed?” Janelle says.
“He’s planning on being fashionably late,” Parker tells her. There’s a few second stare between them before their eyes wander over the others’ body. Payson cranes her neck to look at me with a look that says are you seeing this? I dip my chin once.
Janelle breaks the spell first by spinning and sitting on the edge of my bed. She grabs the remote and changes Luca’s channel. “Great, me too; it’s embarrassing to be on time.”
“Well, we have reservations, and unlike you all, I do not find being on time embarrassing.” I step away from Payson long enough to grab my wallet and the keys to the car I rented.
I stop and kiss Parker’s forehead, cupping the back of his neck, I give him a stern look. “No drinking tonight.”
“I’m not.”
I kiss his forehead again and straighten, eyeing my girl like a hungry lion, she shifts under my stare.
“Ready?” My voice is husky.