Page 121 of Leave Me Broken

“Since you already know who he is, allow me introduce him to you. Coach, this is Ronni Quints. The trio to our duo that’s you’ve heard us discuss a time or two.”

Ash takes Ronni’s slim hand in his. He shakes it a few times before letting it fall. I watch to see if his eyes linger on her because all men linger on Ronni. All men but Ash apparently. He looks away from her at the most appropriate time and finds me again. A real-life model is standing in front of him and he couldn’t care less.

“Well, I am just doing my rounds before bed. I will let you get back to it, but girls, don’t forget the day starts at eight a.m. No later. If you are late, you will be running double once we are back in Michigan.”

Everyone exchanges goodbyes after that threat. I don’t think he would actually make us run double—especially with my knee, but I’m not willing to risk it. I follow him to the door and as soon as we are out of sight, he spins, pins me against the wall, and kisses the life out of me. When he pulls away, I’m breathing hard and laughing because some of my face mask rubbed on him during our kiss.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, babygirl. Be good, okay?”

I think I mumble a few words but I’m still recovering from the kiss and not able to focus. He pecks me again before leaving, and now I know there is definitely something weird between Ronni and her boyfriend because the last thing I’m doing right now is frowning.

By morning, I think we got maybe three hours of sleep and that includes waking up ten minutes before we need to meet the team in the lobby. Ash scolds us for almost being late but there is a softness in his face, so I know he isn’t really mad.

We told Ronni to stay back and sleep, just come to the gym when she got up, but she insisted on spending the maximum amount of time with us. The entire team greeted her with open arms and for a minute, it was like old times. Over the course of the night there were a few moments that felt weird, like Ronni wasn’t our oldest friend but someone we just met. Those moments were few and far between, though. We have filled her in on the Alyssa incident. The part where she tripped me on purpose and landed me in a brace, not the Ash stuff. I’m not sure why but none of that came up. Janelle gave me a look a few times like she was expecting me to bring it up, but I didn’t. We had enough to talk about without mentioning our relationship statuses. Besides, I figured we might get on the conversation of her boyfriend, and I don’t know how to tread that conversation when I don’t think it’s a good one.

I jog over to Ronni and my water during our morning break. “You miss it, yet?”

Ronni passes me my water and I chug it. “Some parts, yes, but I was never as good as you. It’s not as fun when you’re not as good, P.”

I drop my water to the ground near her feet and frown. “Yes you were.”

“No, she wasn’t.” Janelle drops into the seat next to her and laughs breathlessly. Ronni laughs with her. “See?”

“Well, whatever. I think you’re both full of shit.”

Ronni smirks to Janelle. “The gym is empty during lunch?”

I tell her it is, already knowing what she’s getting at, and I can’t agree fast enough. I haven’t got to play with Ronni in a long time, but I know she’s not shit.



“Where is your girl?” Luca stops next to me in front of the cafeteria and looks over the large crowd the same way I am.

“That’s what I was just wondering.”

After more looking and finding all of my girls besides two, I relax. If Janelle is gone too, it’s likely they are causing chaos somewhere with Ronni and not what I was thinking.

It hasn’t left my mind that Fred is somewhere out there. Just because we are in California, doesn’t mean all the issues from home leave us behind, as much as I wish they would. This is a volleyball convention where every single player is wearing pink shirts and black shorts. There are numerous brunettes and while none are Payson, I do lose sight of her periodically. It would be the perfect place for him to get his claws on her.

“I’m going to go check the gym.”

We head that way without grabbing the attention of Valerie or any of the other coaches. She’s been breathing down my neck. Even when she’s not nearby, I can feel her watching me, waiting for me to slip up and do something un-coachlike to Payson so she can report me. I don’t know why it’s so important she catches me doing something I shouldn’t. It’s not like she wants me back, she is with Fulton. I have no fucking clue, but it’s annoying as shit. If I can get three minutes where I don’t have to try so hard not to be into Payson the way I am, I will jump at it.

“What do you think is happening with Parker?” I ask since it’s a few minutes walk.

Luca sighs. “I am not sure. He really liked Janelle and he thought she hurt him but ended up hurting her instead. I think the guilt is eating at him.”

I tried to talk to him yesterday, but he didn’t say much. A lot of shrugs and head nodding. I told him I was always here to talk to and wouldn’t judge him. Luca and I were hard on him right after but after some thinking, I remember what it was like to be his age. Those emotions are big and mistakes can be made. It’s not fair to make him feel even more guilty than he already does. I really wish the girl wasn’t Alyssa, though.

I can’t believe she’s here. She hasn’t been around our team, but she is sticking by Valerie’s side, which is even more unsettling than her being here. She’s not bothered us and hopefully it stays that way.

“He needs to let it go. He is hurting himself and innocent people around him.” Like Payson. He gave me no reason why he told her Valerie was my ex-wife, just that he did. I scolded him but didn’t want to ruin the good night we were having just being guys.

“I agree, fratello. I will talk with him more tonight when you are on your date. Might be able to get more from him.”

Hopefully. Whatever the issue is, I will fix it. I don’t want my son upset.