Page 108 of Leave Me Broken

They are us.

“W-what did y-you write?” Payson’s voice cracks and shakes.

“Why don’t you go look and find out?”

She slips from the bed with shaky legs, I follow after her to the bathroom since there is no mirror in her room. She stares at the word on her stomach in awe. I’ve never seen her look so excited, and my chest greedily sucks in a breath at the sight. I did that. I made her happy on the day of her mum’s funeral. My pride outweighs my disgust with myself—at least for now. Especially when she turns and leaps into my arms, wrapping her arms around my neck and legs around my waist.

“I love it.” She bounces eagerly, dragging her pussy along my dick, stiffening it. It never went fully soft because she was naked but I lost myself in the cutting. Now I’m not lost, and am aching to slip into her pussy.

“I love you,” I growl, shoving my pants down as she clings to my body. Payson grins, waiting for me. I worried anal might have scarred her more than I thought but she’s soaked and I’m able to slip right in her pussy without a problem.

I push her against the wall, slapping a kiss to her lips before dropping my head to hers. “You’re mine forever, babygirl. No going back now.”

“I always was.”

Pink balloons. Pink streamers. Pink jerseys and balls. Pink everywhere. Everything you could imagine that could be turned pink in a gym, it’s here. The name Week of Pink should have given it away, but I truly wasn’t aware how much pink there would be. The hosting school even made sure our rooms were decked out in the theme with pink towels and snacks. The water I grab from the fridge even has a pink wrapper.

I take a swig before passing it to Payson.

She rolls over so she doesn’t have to sit up fully and sips the water at an awkward angle. I chuckle and take it from her, returning the lid before slipping into bed behind her. Pulling her against me, I make sure to not grab her stomach with the healing scar. We put a bandage on this morning, but I wanted to see it when I fucked her, so I ripped it off halfway through our last sex session.

Even in my euphoric state, I looked for any sign of infection but there is none. I made sure we cleaned it last night before patching it and we cleaned it again this morning on the plane. We will have to put a new one on after the shower which we desperately need. Not because today was a hard day, it was mostly introductions. The girls played a few lighthearted games with another team but that was all. Tomorrow the real fun begins which is why I dragged Payson back to my room as soon as I could, because I know we might not get the opportunity the next few days. I’m predicting she will be pretty tired.

“You went deeper today,” she mutters.

I blink my eyes open seeing the dried blood on her arms. She asked me for another cutting session, and she’s right, I did go deeper. I spent most the night and entirety of the plane ride researching blood and knife play. I’m no professional but I felt more confident today, which would explain her noticing they are deeper.

“Do they hurt?”


Well, that’s good. I guess.

“We need to shower before dinner.”

Payson sighs and rolls over so she is facing me. She pets my beard, then knifes her slender fingers into my hair. “I’d rather stay here and ride your dick for another hour.”

“I require some cooldown time.” I usher at my flaccid dick laying across my hip. Mostly flaccid.

She kisses my lips before rolling off the bed onto her feet. “Fine. But only because my pussy is still sore from the last time.”

Yeah it is.

“Isn’t it so peaceful without Alyssa?” Janelle nearly cheers. Dinner is being served at the hotel in a banquet room. Probably the only place that could fit so many people.

Janelle is right, though. We’ve only been in California for half a day but it’s been half a day of no drama. Sure, more of the day was spent between Payson’s thighs, but still.

“Yes,” Payson chimes. She leans back in her chair next to me, and I take in the entirety of her outfit. The hosting school forwarded everyone a dress code for dinner tonight. Men in slacks and dress shirts and girls in dresses. She’s beyond uncomfortable, considering she didn’t bring a dress and had to borrow from Janelle. She swears it’s two sizes too small, but I see nothing wrong with the way her breasts spill from the sweetheart neckline of the short maroon dress. It’s tight in all the right places and she looks stunning. Of course Payson threw a short black jacket, that she also borrowed, over it but it doesn’t even come close to zipping, and I couldn’t be more thankful. There’s nothing wrong with what she is wearing besides the fact other people are getting to see just how perfect of a body she hides behind her usual attire of jumpers and sweatpants.

Our waiters seem to be in seventh heaven waiting on a banquet room of nearly sixty girls. Doesn’t help my annoyance that most of them don’t look a day older than the girls.

It’s a buffet-style setup so we don’t need them for much, yet they always seem to be around.

Monica bounces at the end of the table with a plate in her hand. “You guys see the chocolate fountain yet?”

I narrow my eyes.

Payson and Janelle swap faces like they are five-year-olds that—well, that heard about a chocolate fountain.