“Where is Jace?!”
“Can we expect a joint interview in the future?!”
The reporters shouted and tossed questions at him, one on top of the other. With measured reserve, Jason let them come on. He made no move to answer. He didn’t gesture or call on anyone. For the longest time it seemed, he stood still amidst the chaos.
But then he was sliding a quick look off to one side. All at once Jason centered himself and opened his mouth to speak.
“Due to a non-disclosure agreement signed by all parties in this case, I am not at liberty to discuss any specifics. I can tell you that I expect my son to arrive back in the country shortly and I very much look forward to reuniting with him.
This has been a difficult experience for my entire family and we appreciate your understanding at this time as we ask for our privacy. I will reach out to you in the future to provide more information. Thank you.”
Val blinked. The reporters blinked. This was not the statement anyone expected to receive. There would be no victory lap. No speech about freedom and winning the day.
As quickly as he had appeared at the podium, he left it. Though the cameras shifted in their attempt to chase him, Jason ducked into a waiting town car and pulled away from the curb. He was gone. It was over and he was gone.
“Hmmm.” Clay ended his call and stood beside her once more, frowning at the screen. “He knows Cambric no longer has you, but he’s made a deal and can’t say anything about it.”
“What do you mean? Were you able to get a hold of anyone?” Val shoved up from the floor and reached for Clay’s arm. He didn’t shrug her off, but instead patted at her hand gently.
“I spoke with Finn, he’s going to reach out to Jason right now. He was just waiting on approval from us.”
“Did he mention anything? Is my son okay?”
“Everything that has been done here has been done for the benefit of you and your son. Jason will know that you’re safe as soon as he answers Agent Finn’s call. I’m sure it won’t take him long to show up after that.”
“Thank you.” Val wiped furiously at tears as they began to fall down her cheeks. “For everything.”
“You’re welcome,” Clay answered, then added. “I still want you to think seriously about what I said before. About Jason running for office. About making sure that legislation becomes law.”
“I will,” Val promised. “I will, Clay.”
* * *
The next hour was agony. Val paced the living room. Connie wrung her hands. Clay reclined in one leather armchair, seemingly unperturbed as he absorbed the wild speculation that filled the commentary on television.
No one could wrap their heads around Jason’s press conference. They played back snippets of his speeches, late-night interviews, and radio appearances. The man had been a bonafide media machine for the past six months but now went silent. On top of it, the secret contents of the non-disclosure agreement had everyone salivating.
When Clay’s phone buzzed and he answered, Val held her breath. There was murmuring on the other end. Clay held up a single finger, then flicked his eyes to Val.
“No,” he said. “He has to fly into Charlotte.”
Val frowned. Clay listened to the talking on the other end.
“We can’t risk having that sort of attention,” he explained. “I’ll have a driver pick him up. He’s waited half a year to see her, he can wait another four hours and do this thing right.”
Pushing her hair back from her face, Val paced another few steps before stopping. Clay gave a last series of instructions before ending the call. The Militia’s priority was to keep the farmhouse under the radar. They would take extra precautions to make sure Jason wasn’t followed while they brought him in.
“He knows you’re safe.” Clay caught Val’s look. “You’ve got to be patient and tru-”
“And trust the process, I get it,” she snapped.
“Why don’t you go get cleaned up, Dear?” Connie cleared her throat. “After all, your husband is on the way.”
Ducking her head, Val looked down at her clothes. Worn jeans, sweat stained thermal shirt, frazzled hair. She hadn’t bathed the day before, had given up caring about that sort of thing. Connie was right, she could use a shower.
Pivoting on her heel, Val made for the stairs. Her thoughts jumped from Jason to Jace and back again. If her son was on his way back to the country right now, that meant she might be able to see him within twenty-four hours. Suddenly, she was in a rush. She took the steps two at a time, ran down the hall and shoved into her bedroom.
Closing the door behind her, she shed her dirty clothes and left them on the floor. As she made her way to the ensuite bath her hands shook. A part of her could hardly believe it was all over. Would they be going back to France? Maybe a place in the Maldives would be better. Somewhere without extradition, just in case. She’d have to talk to Bee and Gabe about it. And Jason of course.