Page 52 of The Captive Missing

“Get going,” he hissed, glancing around.

Val picked up her tray and let him direct her. They weaved through the push of bodies shuffling towards open tables. It was thick today, she had timed the meal all wrong. But the thought was a drifting one, meaningless in a sea of denial and doubt.

Finally, a pocket opened and they were able to step through towards a few vacant benches. Val sat heavily on one, with Charlie landing right beside her.

“Did he leave for that year?” Val shifted her head to the side, watching his expression. “Did they have to bring him back, or did he stay?”



“He was one of the first ones out the door.”

“Then I can trust him.”

For a few more moments they sat in silence. Val poked at her food, listened to the clatter of plates and trays all around them. A group of captives at a far off table burst into laughter. People swirled about, choosing seats, chatting with one another. It was just another day.

Then a rear door swung open. And a train of Cambric security filed in. As they strode by the tables, people’s voices fell away. Like a drop of water falling into the stillness of a pond, Cambric’s presence rippled through everyone they passed. All eyes shifted to watch their progress. They never disrupted a meal.

Val’s heart beat louder and louder insider her chest. Under the table, Charlie gripped her hand and held on tight. They were heading straight for them.

“Don’t say anything.” Charlie bent to speak directly into her ear. She could barely hear him. “Act like you’ve done nothing wrong.”

Straightening then, he released her hand and moved a few inches away. Security came to a stop at their table.

Hovering over Val, three uniformed men addressed her, their broad shoulders thrown back, their feet shifting side to side. The instant they grabbed her arms, Val felt bile rise in her throat but she swallowed it back down, forced it all away. There was only way to survive this.

Rising without protest, Val tilted her chin up and followed them willingly out the door.

Chapter 17

They led her out into the courtyard, its expanse of lush grass shone under the rays of a late afternoon sun. Summer was almost at an end, but the days were still long and hot. Val wanted to raise her hand to her forehead. She wanted to shade her eyes from the instant glare, but instead she kept her arms swaying loosely at her sides.

It had been many years since she had to play in this game. Back then, she had been very good at it. Looking back over the past months, Val realized she had still been struggling lamely as a free person, raging against the restrictions and bonds of captivity. If she wanted to survive, if she ever wanted a chance at staying alive, then she had to become the player she once was.

Purposefully, she filled her body with the seductive energy that had once gotten her so far. As a trainee, she had the ability to make any security guard blush. She had been able to manipulate Cambric staff and other captives alike by making them want things from her that they didn’t know they should want.

Whatever lay ahead of her in the brick building across the way, she would meet it with equal force. And given the opportunity, she would bend it to her side.

Slowing her steps just a fraction, Val let the heels of her shoes tap a beat along the cement path that skirted the lawn. Throwing a glance behind her, she caught one guard’s eye, then let the look linger for a beat longer than is acceptable. When he gave her a frown, she bit at her lip. A faint heat painted his cheeks. She slowly smiled.

One down. Two more to go.

They beeped her into the building, then led her down a narrow hall. She increased her pace until the guard in front of her could feel her presence at his back. Keeping her eyes fixed on his neck, she saw him stiffen, then eventually turn around.

Glancing over his shoulder, the guard’s eyes lit with surprise as she gave him a sly smile. She let one hand dart up to the top button of her dress and undid it before giving him a quick wink. He stumbled slightly, but caught himself, causing her to stifle a laugh.

By the time they reached their destination, Val was oozing confident pride, and all three guards were a bit unsteady. Offering her forearm to the wall scanner, she listened to its accepting beep before the tall white door swung slowly inward.

The room before her was full of men but her eyes caught on the first one she recognized and stayed. It was Shane. He stood closest to the door, his brow furrowed. When he saw her, he beckoned for her to come to him and she obeyed with the same confident energy with which she had just dominated the guards.

“Here she is now,” Shane announced, letting his arm encircle her waist. His fingers traced signals along her lower back. “One of my favorite girls.”

Remembering her encounter with Charlie, Val knew she couldn’t let Shane see any hesitation. He had to believe she had been submitted by Ben or they were both at risk. So, rising up on her toes, she responded to the subtle cues as instructed. Pressing a single kiss to Shane’s cheek, she slowly smiled then laid her face quietly on his chest.

It was only then that her eyes drifted over to the other men in the room. It was only then that the color drained from her face.

Jason stood stiffly. His father and a team of lawyers were ranged out along one side of a long table. Agent Finn, and what appeared to be a police officer, were situated along the other. There was also a collection of Cambric staff and an outside nurse with a medical bag tucked under one arm.