“Me too.” Stepping out, Val let herself be wrapped up in Bee’s embrace, rocking together slightly. “Sorry about the late notice.”
“You’re sorry? We’re the ones who are sorry.” Bee took a step back, holding Val at arm’s length. The worry in her eyes could be seen clearly in the cast-off light from the house. “This is all our fault.”
“Your fault? What are you talking about?” Val’s eyes traveled away from Bee to land on Gabe. He looked down, rubbing at the back of his neck with one hand.
“You mean you don’t know?”
“Don’t know what?”
“The charges against Jason-” Bee swallowed, squeezing Val’s hands in her own. “They’re because of us.”
“I don’t understand.”
“It’s Gabe. The captive that Jason is charged with harboring is Gabe.”
Chapter 4
“This doesn’t make any sense.” Val drank deeply from the glass of Merlot that Bee had poured for her. “Gabe made a deal with the FBI, he’s free.”
Val’s oldest friends shared a meaningful glance, the likes of which had her heart descending into her stomach. They were situated in the living room, Jace playing distractedly with new toys on the wood floor. Before long he would need a bath and then bed, but she couldn’t bring herself to face the chore at the moment.
Shoving up from the turquoise cushions on the sofa, Gabe walked to the open doors that led out onto the deck. For several moments, he faced the water. Its gentle lapping was a constant background noise, soothing any sharpness.
“The deal I made was unprecedented,” Gabe spoke finally. “It had never been done before and Sharon has contested its validity.”
“She’s in prison,” Val stated flatly. “Can she even do that?”
“Yes, apparently,” Bee supplied. Her bare legs, tan from the sun, were folded beneath her on the couch.
“I told you Sharon is dangerous.” Gabe rotated to face them before leaning his shoulder against the doorframe, his arms crossed over his chest. “Maybe Agent Finn and Jason didn’t realize just how dangerous. Cambric floundered for a while after her conviction, but I’m guessing that was only because it took her time to settle into her new surroundings.”
“I thought Cambric was being disbanded.” Val frowned.
“It was one suggestion,” Gabe supplied. “But before that could take place it was purchased by a shell corporation. No one knows who the owner actually is but The Agency is back and fully functioning. Sound familiar?”
“You think Sharon owns it again?”
“I know she does.” Gabe blew out a breath, head tilted towards the ceiling. “I know because she transferred ownership of me back to Cambric and they have legal standing enough to contest my freedom. Their argument is that I had no right as a citizen to negotiate my own release. I would have needed Sharon to sign off on the original agreement for it to be valid. She never freed me and she was the only one who could.”
“When did all of this take place?” Val questioned.
“Cambric filed a lawsuit two years ago against the Feds, Riggs Oil and Jason personally.” Gabe’s face remained serious as he watched the information wash over Val. “I’m sorry, but at the time we all agreed you shouldn’t be burdened with the details.”
“Burdened with the details?” Val was incredulous, she could hear her husband’s voice in those words. “Give me a break Gabe, you’re even beginning to sound like him.”
“Don’t start.” Gabe held his voice in check, gesturing towards Jace who had ceased playing to listen. “The three of us took a vote on it. The decision was unanimous.”
“You kept this from me?” Val turned on Bee, emerald eyes glistening.
Leaning closer, her friend placed a warm hand over Val’s knee and gave it a light squeeze. Bee wouldn’t respond with words, but instead simply ducked her head once before pursing her lips and letting go. Sitting back in awe, Val’s mouth hung open as she watched the woman she had once called her sister unfold her legs from the couch and stand.
“I’ve got some new bath toys waiting for you Jace,” Bee said, extending a hand towards the boy. “Want to check them out?”
“Sure!” Jace scurried away to follow a departing Bee, not bothering to look back over his shoulder.
Alone now, Gabe’s face folded into a deep frown. There had been a time when he had raged against Jason and all that he stood for. He hated the money, the power, the cocky surety and careful calculation. Accusing him of not only siding with the man, but sounding like him, had Gabe’s back up, if only for the moment.
Over the past years though, the two of them had formed a relationship of sorts. A trust had grown, and so yes, maybe things had changed and Gabe was beginning to see Jason differently.