Page 56 of The Captive Missing

“And to think you had me worried back there,” he murmured.

Gesturing for her to stand, Shane led her out of the room and out into the courtyard where he released her. Unceremoniously, she walked away from him, out over the green sea of grass.

Chapter 18

In the middle of the night, Val heard a muffled scratching. At first, she thought she was dreaming it, floating there somewhere between awake and asleep. But then the noise kept coming. Lifting her head off the pillow, she squinted at the solitary window inset into her door. Charlie’s face was illuminated by the dim light from the hall.

Throwing back the covers, she pushed groggily up to sitting and waved him on. As quietly as possible he opened the door and slid inside. Holding the knob carefully in his hand he waited until the door resealed behind him before speaking.

“Hey,” Charlie whispered, creeping over to sit beside her on the bed. “I brought you a little something.”

“What is it?” Val took the bundle he offered and began to unwrap it.

“You didn’t get to eat before they hauled you away,” Charlie explained. “I would’ve come earlier, but they’ve had extra guards on the floor all night.”

As Val stared down at the array of goodies Charlie had smuggled in, a wave of hunger hit her. There was a whole red apple, thick slices of cheddar cheese and a miniature box of crackers. Gratefully, she took a bite of the crisp fruit and let out a tiny groan. They didn’t serve this stuff in the cafeteria. Where had he come by it?

“Thank you,” she said between bites. “I didn’t realize how hungry I was.”

With a quick smile and duck of his head, Charlie leaned back to rest against the wall. Val sat cross-legged next to him, the warmth of her blankets radiating up from the mussed bed.

Every so often, she paused and explained what happened after she was taken from dinner. Jason had shown up with all his attorneys. A nurse had examined her. Shane put a stop to it. Cambric knew nothing of the fake submissions with Ben, and she would keep it that way.

Charlie contemplated the idea of a court ordered injunction and wondered aloud if it would work. He and Val debated back and forth for a time, neither of them having had much experience with the law. As he made to leave, Charlie paused at the door and turned back.

“How long does it take to get an injunction?” He asked.

“I don’t know.”

“Well, let’s hope it’s fast.”

“Charlie-” Val tilted her head to one side, watching him carefully. “Where do you get all this extra food?”

“I don’t steal it, if that’s what you’re wondering.” Charlie gave her a wink just before sliding out the door.

* * *

The six o’clock alarm came too early for Val. After Charlie left her room, she had trouble getting back to sleep. Tossing and turning, thoughts of Jason and their son plagued her. When the screen on her desk sounded out, it rattled her already fried nerves.

Rubbing a hand down her face, Val groaned before flinging back the covers and tottering the few steps over to her desk. Plunking down in the wooden chair, she swiped a finger over the screen and blinked at the words that flashed there. Room 115 was back on her schedule, but that’s not what made her stomach flip.

She had a client booking for four o’clock. It was offsite because they wanted her prepped well before transportation, which was listed at noon.

Shoving away from the computer, Val tripped backwards over her chair and tumbled to the ground. Her head just missed hitting the edge of the bed frame as she fell. She must’ve cried out, because her bedroom door opened abruptly and a passing captive glanced in. It was a familiar face, but the girl’s name didn’t spring to mind.

“You okay?” She asked.

“Yes,” Val sputtered, then twisted to get up. “Thank you.”

The girl leaned her head back out the door and gestured to someone who was out of Val’s sight. Just as Val pushed to her knees, Amber appeared, eyes narrowing at the fallen furniture. Without a word, she came over and helped to hoist Val upright, then picked up the chair and ran her own finger across the screen.

“Four hour transport window.” Amber spoke aloud. “That’s either in the city or Rochester. Could be Syracuse, but that’s a little closer, so I don’t think so.”

Val bobbed her head, but didn’t say anything.

“Well, you’ve got plenty of time for breakfast. Why don’t we go grab some?”

“Sure,” Val answered, but wasn’t certain she’d be able to eat.