“You will begin a daily exercise regimen. Until you are familiar with the routine, a trainer will be provided to instruct you. Though he is not Cambric staff, you are expected to follow his commands explicitly. Is that clear?”
“Yes, Ma’am.” Val ducked her head.
“I will return for you within the hour.”
Tracy spoke to the guard once more before reaching into her pocket and producing a thin black wand. She passed it over Val’s forearm until it gave up its customary beep. That sound. She’d never escape it now.
Once Tracy left, the security guard visibly relaxed. The workout room was a cushy job. The captives here were of the highest quality. On the whole, they never had discipline issues, were obedient and quiet. If they kept their heads down, they got to exercise in relative freedom. So that’s exactly what they did.
“Charlie! Your appointment’s here,” the guard called over his shoulder. Not giving Val more than a second’s glance, he retreated to his chair by the door and resumed reading a thick book.
“Charlie?” Val whispered it, feeling the once familiar name roll around in her mouth.
Eyes traveling the room, Val cleared her throat and watched the figure that approached. He was taller than she, but not more than six-foot. Well-muscled shoulders shifted beneath his tight gray shirt as he walked. His dark hair was styled short and stood out against the light tint of his skin.
As he came to a stop in front of her, his hazel eyes slid over her body once before settling on her face. It was him. There was no mistaking it. Gabe’s old roommate. The quiet, reserved, ever-focused yin to Gabe’s outlandish, attention-seeking yang.
“They worked you over good.” Charlie exhaled through his nostrils, surveying her with another glance downward. “I’ll have to request an increase in your calorie allowance.”
“Charlie?” Val repeated herself, eyes searching his.
“Hey, Val.” He glanced over at the guard before returning his gaze to her. “It’s me. Ready to get started?”
“Yes.” Val bobbed her head, knowing that was the correct answer, whether it felt true or not.
Following Charlie’s purposeful lead, Val listened as he pointed out equipment, explained what it was for, and outlined how she’d be using it in the future. When the small tour was complete, he stopped on the large blue mat and began guiding her in a series of warm-up stretches. Conversation was non-existent as other captives came and went in a rotation around them. Occasionally, one would stop to stare, but never for more than a few seconds.
Charlie acted like nothing was amiss. He was, as he always had been, the picture of cool. Nothing ruffled him, nothing reached past his facade or stirred a reaction. Hands spread over Val’s ankles, he applied pressure to her feet as she panted through a set of sit-ups. He counted them aloud, encouraging her for just one more, then gave her time to catch her breath.
Easing back to sit, he watched her flop onto her back, gasping for air on the mat.
“How’s Gabe?” He asked finally, eyes shifting to the clock on the wall.
“He’s Gabe.” Val wheezed, lungs burning. “Same… pain… in… the ass.”
“Huh.” Charlie let a small smile cross his face. “He still getting you in trouble? Is that how you got back in this mess?”
“Uh-uh.” Val propped herself up on her elbows, and tapped her chest. “This one’s on me.”
“So, I’ve heard,” Charlie acknowledged, then leaned against her ankles once more. “Give me another fifteen.”
Val only had time to shoot him a puzzled look before she folded her arms across her body and resumed the crunches. What exactly had he heard? And from whom? The questions were soon forgotten, however, as the pain in her muscles dominated her brain.
When their hour was up, Tracy returned. Again, the black wand passed over Val’s forearm and gave up a piercing beep. Val stiffened, but felt nothing further than complete and utter exhaustion.
* * *
Over the next week, Val remained in Isolation with the daily exception of her appointment with Charlie. She took her meals alone, showered under the supervision of Tracy and swallowed the powdery white pill without incident. Per Charlie’s request, Val’s calorie allowance was increased. Her portions expanded to accommodate the physical exertion of her workout and her strength gradually returned.
At night, when the lights were switched off and the black nothingness filled her room, Val thought about her son. Even with the medication, a deep abiding sadness had settled itself somewhere in her chest. It burrowed down deep, making a sort of hollow place. But that was as far as it went. She didn’t choke and sputter. She didn’t throw up anymore. The heavy misery that had once threatened to demolish her, was gone.
A part of her wished she could still feel it. That intensity and great stabbing pain that went along with Jace. But the other part of her knew the drugs were for the best. If she let herself spiral down the hole inside of her, she knew she’d never make it back out.
“Where were you just then?” Charlie asked.
He had her on her hands and knees, one leg stretched behind her on the blue mat. Holding his hand above her foot, Charlie encouraged her to lift her leg to touch his arm before curling it back down underneath her. The process was repeated again and again.
“Nowhere,” Val grunted. Her butt burned and her stomach quivered, but she pressed on, delivering the reps he required.