Page 15 of Down to Puck

Emerson glides along with an ease that I know I couldn’t achieve in a million years. But by the end of the night, I can hold my own. My quads and glutes are burning by the time we skate back to the bench at the edge of the rink. It makes me feel a little better to know he’s feeling it too.

“This is a hell of a workout. No wonder you guys all have such nice asses,” I tease as Emerson unlaces my skates.

“Not half as nice as yours,” Emerson’s smile is wicked as he lets his eyes trace up my jeans.

His gaze meets mine and time stops.

“I don’t want tonight to be over,” I whisper.

His eyes are smoldering, but his smile is gentle.

“It doesn’t have to be,” Emerson helps me up, and it feels strange to be back on solid ground again. “But only if you’re sure.”

I know he means it. If I tell him I don’t want to do anything physical for a month, or six, or until we’re married — I have no doubt he’d be patient.

“I’m sure, Emerson. I’ve never felt like this before,” I confess.

I’m all out of patience for this man.

“Me either,” his smile widens. “So. not to be cliche but— Your place or mine?”

Emerson stretches up to his full height and excited anticipation bursts in my chest.

“I’ve got a roommate, so —”

“Mine it is,” Emerson offers me a hand. “Up to walking?”

I bite my bottom lip and consider the question. Of course I can, but the mischief in his eyes is intoxicating.

“What if I say no?” I ask coyly.

Without another word, Emerson scoops me up in his arms and tosses me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I shriek with laughter as he does. It’s so effortless for him. He doesn’t even strain from the weight of my wriggling form.

“Alright, alright. All the blood is rushing to my head,” I shout, squirming on his shoulder.

His hand smacks my ass, just enough to sting. Then Emerson slings me around, shifting me onto his back. My legs wrap around his waist, my arms snug across his shoulders as he carries me piggyback.

“Better?” Emerson asks innocently.

I can feel the heat of his back pressing against my too-tight jeans. It was a nightmare to skate in them, but I didn’t mind the way Emerson couldn’t take his eyes off of me. Skylar is always going on about how my butt is my best feature. But Emerson looks at it like it’s the hottest ass he’s ever seen.

The seam of my skinny jeans is rubbing against him, pressing me into him until it’s impossible to think about anything but getting Emerson naked as fast as possible. The strong muscles in his back are warm against the aching peaks of my hard nipples.

His body feels so solid under my hands, so strong.

I want to see what that strength can do, what his intense focus will feel like when he brings it to bear on me.

“Much,” I whisper against his ear, kissing it softly. “But I’ll be better once we’re in your bed.”

His pace quickens almost as much as my pulse as we cross the campus to his home.

“I’ve got to warn you, though,” I move to his other ear. “I’ve never done this before. I’m a virgin.”

I bury my face in his shoulder, unwilling to meet his eyes.

Emerson stops, setting me down. His fingers on my chin force my eyes up to his. His gentle smile melts my heart.

“Then we’ll go slow. We’ve got all night.”