I’d really believed he cared. Oh, I wasn’t sure if he cared at the level I did. That would be asking a lot even for an optimist. I’d just hoped that he felt something beyond the usual feelings engendered from a one-night-stand. Whatever those were. I had no idea, never having had one before. All I’d had were failed short-term relationships.

Now I could add a failed one-night-stand to the list.

Somehow I managed to smile at my makeup-less reflection. Well, the sex part had been no kind of fail whatsoever. Hell to the no. That had been hallelujah chorus-worthy.

Maybe my mistake was in expecting more.

My eyes prickled, and I shut them to stave off the inevitable. Everything was going to be okay. I’d get through this, one hour at a time.

A knock on the door made me whisk my fingers over my cheeks, just in case. “Sorry, no visitors right now, please.”

The only one who mattered hadn’t shown.

The long pause made me wonder if they’d left. “I have a backstage pass. Surely that gives me certain rights.”

His voice hit me at a visceral level, where I didn’t have to think to react. Letting out a squeal, I bolted off the stool. I ran to the door and threw it open, ready to launch myself at him.

I was stopped by a forest of flowers. What the hell?

With a mouthful of petals, I drew back and tried to speak. “Jed?” I asked, peering over the profusion of red blooms. There were so many I couldn’t even see him. “Thank you for the flowers. They’re gorgeous.”

They smelled heavenly too, but somehow his scent overrode all the rest. I swayed toward it, and him, like a bee seeking nectar.

He washere. Finally.

“You’re more so.” He stepped into the room, and it was a freaking miracle my boneless arms didn’t drop the bouquet of roses altogether. He simply dominated the space. Filled it up until I backed against the door I’d just closed to try to get room to breathe.

But he didn’t give me that room. Shoving the roses out of the way, he gripped my chin and lifted my face to his. “You were incredible.”

Those three words were my undoing.

I barreled into his arms, trapping the roses between us as I pressed my face into his neck. The spicy scent of his soap and the ever-present aroma of coffee mashed together in my mind, smoothing away all the stress of the last week. He was here, and he was holding me, and nothing had ever been better.

Then he tipped back my chin and took my mouth, proving me a liar.Thiswas as good as it got. His firm lips caressing mine, warming them before his tongue slid between them to explore. He flicked it over mine and the movement reverberated between my legs, causing my clit to pound furiously. I’d changed out of my stage costume and just wore a robe and panties, and God, I wouldn’t mind making use of the couch to assuage the ache deep in my core.

The ache labeledJed. He already owned that part of me just like all the rest.

But before I could guide him toward that oh so handy sofa, he shifted back and rubbed his thumb over my damp lower lip. “You always gotta look so sexy on stage?” he asked gruffly.

The light in his eyes made me grin. “Sorry. Kinda. It’s my job.”

He grabbed my ass and hauled me against him, kissing me one more time. Leaving me breathless when he pulled back just far enough to whisper, “And you’re a damn pro.”

Feeling his hardness against me, I pressed even closer, wanting it to brand my belly even through our clothes. That hot, heavy weight made me pulse and dampen, and I lifted my eyes to his, hoping he’d get the message. “If, um, it displeased you, you could always—” He was laughing before I finished the statement, and then I was laughing too.

Damn, that felt good.

“I see you haven’t changed in a week.”

“Oh, I have.”

His eyebrow lifted. “That so?”

I pointed my thumb over my shoulder. “I couldn’t have played those last couple of songs a few weeks ago. I couldn’t have put myself on the line like that, knowing I might fail. That I probably would.”

“You didn’t fail. You were magnificent.”

The pride glowing on his face and vibrating in his words caused my eyes to fill again. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”