I got up and disposed of the condom, since he wasn’t exactly mobile yet. Then I returned to bed and sprawled on top of him again.
He made one hell of a comfy man pillow.
“Every time we do it, you ask if I’m okay.” Idly, I drew patterns with my nail on his chest. I hadn’t seen his back but so far, he didn’t have any visible tattoos.
We were both ink-free. Pretty unusual nowadays.
“Do it? Have we regressed to high school?”
“That’s the sandbox I live in musically, dude. Deal with it.”
He chuckled, surprising me “Well, there’s only been twice so far.”
I tried not to let hope rear its pointy little head that he might want more. Lost cause there. He’d slipped and saidso far,hadn’t he? That had to be a good sign.
This couldn’t just be one night.
We’d gone way beyond regular sex, and not just because he’d spanked me. We’d shared something so much deeper than physical intimacy, as crazy as that seemed.
And he’d let me cuff him, something I imagined he didn’t allow often. Or ever.
I glanced at the metal holding him in place. I’d better unlock that soon.
Smiling, I snuggled against his damp chest. Or…not.
“I’m guessing by that Cheshire cat smile that you are. Okay, I mean.” He toyed with my hair, his fingers tender against my scalp. He seemed to know intuitively when to push me for more and when to soothe.
Somehow it felt like he knew me already.
“I’m so much better than okay. I didn’t know it could be like that.”
“You’ve never orgasmed before?”
“Duh, of course I have.”
He not-so-lightly patted my bottom and damn if my clit didn’t sit up and take notice. “Next time you use that infernal word, at least add aSirto the end of it.”
Grinning, I leaned up and kissed his stubbled jaw. “Duh, Sir. Yes, I’ve orgasmed before. But not like that. Not even close.”
“Much better.”
“And that wasn’t even flattery. I liked the results from that last time, by the way.” I nibbled my way down his throat. “I’m hoping to—” I broke off and frowned. “Dammit, again?”
Even in the dark, I glimpsed his smile. “Turns out I’m a fan. Who’d’ve thunk it?”
“Yeah, right. You’d never even heard of me before tonight.”
“A fan who was late to the bandwagon.” Possessively, he rubbed my still smarting ass. He tended to put some power behind his slaps, and I loved it. “But I’m making up for lost time.”
I couldn’t argue with that.
He’d chosen yet another cut off my failed album. As if he knew. Those songs were both the brightest and most painful parts of my career. Hearing them while sprawled across his chest mitigated some of the sting, but not all of it.
Especially when I didn’t know exactly why he’d put them into his musical rotation in the first place.
Soon the song ended and another song—thankfully not one of mine—begun. I couldn’t wait any longer to ask.
I pulled at a loose thread on the pillowcase. One I’d probably tugged out with my nails. “Are you making fun of me by pretending to like my music?”