Jed laughed, shaking his head. “No clue. But they’re happy together. He’s got a baby on the way. Two babies. Freaking twins. Can you imagine?”

“Wow, that light must’ve been bright.”

Jed laughed again and tightened his hold on me. It was hard to say which of us needed the connection more. “I saw the light too. A different one. I wasn’t cut out to be a cop, not deep down, so I resigned.”

“And started writing.”

“And started writing,” he agreed. “You pegged me right. I guess I just hadn’t fully accepted I still wasn’t a cop. I mean, I had enough to cash the checks from my publisher.” He chuckled. “But beyond that? Denial fucking city.”

“You’re too amazing to deny it for long.”

“You read something of mine?” he asked, pride filling his question.

“Uh, try two of your books already and working on the third. They’re incredibly addictive. I’ve been sneaking in bits of them in between interviews and rehearsals.” I grinned up at him. “You’re awfully prolific, Mr. Not-A-Writer.”

“Keeps me off the streets.” He swatted my thigh. “Maybe you should try it, Rulebreaker.”

“Nah, I have my own artistic outlet to pull out my hair over. You like writing?”

“I love it,” he said quietly. “In a way I never loved being a cop. One more thing I felt guilty about over the years.”

“So you found your way to where you needed to be.” I reached up to stroke his chin, loving the way his scruff felt under my fingers. “You were—”

He caught my wrist, cutting her off. “What’s this?” He stroked my bracelet. “I saw you playing with it during the show.”

“Oh. Hmm. I guess we’re to this part of the program already.” When he only raised a brow, I plowed ahead. “I, ah, did some research on BDSM once I left you.”

“Did you?”

“I did.”

“And didn’t run screaming,” he said dryly.

“I almost ran back to you and begged you to make me scream more, but away? No.” I grinned. “Anyway, I read about collars, and how they prove you’re, you know, taken.”

“They signify much more than that.”

“Well, I didn’t have you to inform me beyond the sites I found. I’m assuming you’ll rectify that oversight now.”

He nodded silently.

So much for no longer being a cop. The guy was downright inscrutable when he wanted to be.

“I’m not saying we’re at that stage. Or even that we necessarily want to be at that stage. I don’t know if you’re a strict practitioner. Or if—”


“The point. Right.” I blew out a breath. “I heard of this up and coming designer, Presley Warren, and she does customized pieces. I asked her if she could make me a bracelet.”

Turning my arm over, I showed him the clasp—two little handcuffs, locked together. The intricacy of the piece, not to mention the speed with which Presley had put it together, still awed me. I would’ve paid twice as much for it.

“This is your version of a collar. A pre-collar.” His throat worked as he caressed the hammered steel. The simplicity and strength of the bracelet had drawn me too. It was built to last. Steel couldn’t be damaged easily once it was forged.

Just like us, if the fates were kind.

“Yes. It’s my way of saying I belong to you. If you want me.” I tried to stop my arm from shaking, but it was impossible.

“You must realize from your research that it’s the Dom who’s supposed to pick out the collar for the sub. That by making this move on your own, you’re stepping out of line.”