Colin was speechless as he stared at his screen. His brain couldn’t quite comprehend what he was reading. He had no idea what to do. All he really wanted was Tara back but she had made her decision. She didn’t want him any more. But Claire did. And he so desperately wanted to be wanted. Was it some kind of cosmic sign? He didn’t believe in that sort of thing, but for a brief moment he wondered: had everything happened for a reason? Had his marriage with Tara fallen apart because he was supposed to be with Claire? Her siren call had been his ruination. Could it also be his redemption? His mind was going a mile a minute.
‘What the hell is the matter?’ Rory said, seeing his expression.
‘It’s Claire! She wants to meet at Dún Laoghaire Harbour!’
‘No way! When?’
Colin squinted at his phone and saw that the message about meeting tomorrow was sent yesterday. ‘TODAY! SHE WANTS TO MEET TODAY! Oh my God! She said she’d be there at three – what time is it now?’
‘It’s half two!’
‘HALF TWO!’ Colin panicked. ‘I’ll never get to Dún Laoghaire in that time!’
‘NOT WITH THAT ATTITUDE!’ Rory screamed.
‘OK, OK,’ Colin said, trying to gather his thoughts. ‘Clothes, I need clothes!’
‘Go to your suitcase and get jeans and a shirt! And tame that beard! Then brush your teeth. And deodorant!’
Colin rushed into Rory’s room where his suitcase was. He rooted through it and found a dressy pair of dark jeans, a blue shirt, a brown belt and brown boots. After he was dressed, he ran to the bathroom, brushed his teeth and combed his beard with some beard oil to make it less wiry. He sprayed deodorant on his pits and some cologne on his neck. He checked his watch.
2.36 p.m.
There was practically no chance he would make it.
But dammit, he had to try.
‘Do I look OK?’ Colin asked Rory when he was just about to leave.
‘Well, it’s not bad for six minutes,’ Rory said.
With that, the door buzzer rang.
‘Oh, that’s Emily. Right on time for her dick appointment,’ Rory said.
‘Please don’t use that phrase around me, I still have PTSD,’ Colin said, eager to forget the memory.
As Rory let Emily in, she immediately jumped on top of him and began devouring him alive. Rory stepped back into the apartment, holding Emily up as he aggressively kissed her back. Emily suddenly saw Colin in the corner of her eye.
‘Oh, I forgot you had company,’ she said, composing herself.
‘You must be Emily,’ Colin said. ‘I’ve heard a lot about you.’
‘You can’t prove any of it,’ Emily smirked.
‘Anyway, I have to run!’ Colin said, dashing towards the door. ‘WAIT! I never texted her to say I was coming!’
‘There’s no time, Col! Just go!’ Rory yelled.
‘Right! Wish me luck!’ Colin said before rushing out the door.
‘Godspeed my friend!’ Rory said, closing the door after him. ‘Now, where were we?’
Rory and Emily began devouring each other once again as they moved into the middle of the loft.
‘Where’s Colin off to in such a hurry?’ Emily asked. She wanted Rory all over her body, but she also wanted to get some gossip for Tara.
‘Oh, it’s a long story,’ Rory said, still kissing her neck. ‘He just found out he has a date in like thirty minutes at Dún Laoghaire Harbour. I really hope he makes it on time. Poor guy needs a win.’