Page 171 of Alphas with Hart

“Well, that would be quite a shock if they showed up since they gave me up for adoption when I was born.”

Shit.“I’m sorry,” I say truthfully, fumbling for my words. “Who the fuck would let you go?”

I didn’t realize I said that out loud until Avery giggles softly. I give her my best attempt at a grin and shrug my shoulders. It’s true. I’d never abandon my angel, and I can’t help but hate anyone who has.

“It’s always just been Gwen and me. We met in a group home and hit it off right away. Luckily, we were never separated.”

I nod, adding more pancake batter to the pan as she tells me about growing up in a group home in Los Angeles. It’s not all terrible, but it’s not great, either. I clench my fists as she tells me about a bully who stayed in the group home for a few years, and I have to breathe deeply as Avery talks about some of her foster parents over the years.

“Do you like the slower pace of Sequoia?” I ask, hoping that she says yes because I can’t stand the traffic in Los Angeles. I had no intention of ever moving anywhere near Silicon Valley again, but I would follow this woman to the ends of the earth. I would do anything to make my angel smile.

“Oh yeah. Everyone is nicer here and I don’t get as many mean looks because I’m not a size zero.”

“You’re perfect,” I blurt out. I don’t like the idea of her thinking that she needs to lose weight. Every curvy inch of Avery is beautiful.

“Thanks,” she says, blushing.

She holds the plate while I put the next round of pancakes onto it and then I crack a few eggs and beat them, making scrambled eggs for us.

“Can I set the table?” Avery asks, already opening the cupboards to look for plates.

“No. I’ve got it.”

“Can I make myself some hot chocolate?” she asks with a grin and I sigh, passing her a mug.

Avery laughs as she heads over to the fridge to grab the milk and whipped cream. I look over my shoulder at her, admiring how she looks in my kitchen. The lights from the Christmas tree shine, coloring her hair in multicolor.

The urge to wrap her up in my arms and protect her from every damn thing winds around my muscles, making me tense before I take a calming breath. I want to cherish this gift I’ve been given. I also want to sink ten inches deep inside her wet heat and feel her come around my cock again and again.

I drag my eyes away from Avery’s luscious curves, admiring the work we’ve done today. My house looks so bright and inviting with everything up and I wonder what Reese would think about all the decorations this year.

I divide the scrambled eggs onto two plates and turn back to her. My eyes snag on the Christmas tree again and I wonder what I should get her for Christmas. A diamond ring the size of Texas comes to mind but I wonder if she would go for that.

Does she feel this connection between us? Does she want me even a fraction as much as I want her?

Looks like I’ve got three days to figure it out.



“What didyou want to do today?” Pax asks me as he finishes up the dishes.

He plopped me on the counter again as soon as I tried to grab the dishtowel to help. I smiled as he shook his head, mumbling about stubborn angels or something under his breath.

I would never tell him, but I love the way he manhandles me. I love how he doesn’t want me to lift a finger and keeps chasing after me to stop from helping out around the house. Not only is Pax so dang adorable when he growls, but it makes me feel special. Precious, even. Like maybe my grumpy bear wants me to stick around for a while.

“Um, I told Mr. Thompson that I would help him with his computer. He said it stopped running. I need to get a few hours of work in too, and then I told Mrs. Miller I would go to the store and grab her groceries. She fell playing with her grandson and twisted her ankle, so she’s having a tough time getting around. Oh, and I need to get my groceries for Christmas dinner too.”

Pax nods as he wipes the last plate and puts it away in the cupboard.

“Alright, let’s get the groceries first before the stores get crazy. Then I’ll help Mr. Thompson with his computer and you can get some work done.”

I grin at him as he moves to help me off of the counter. I tilt my head up and he smiles as he obliges my silent request and kisses me. As soon as his lips are on mine, I can’t think straight. I fall into his kiss, surrendering to strength.

Pax slides his hands around to my back, slipping them under the hem of my shirt. I whimper at the feeling of his calloused hands grazing the soft skin of my lower back. Pax presses me closer to him and breaks our kiss, only to trail his lips down my neck.

An electric shock runs down my spine, pooling low in my belly as I squirm on the counter.