Page 116 of Alphas with Hart


“What do you want to do once you graduate?” I ask, and she bites her lip, looking away from me. I think she might not answer me, but eventually her eyes meet mine.



“I don’t know,” she admits, her shoulders curling in. “I like business. I like coming up with slogans and stuff so marketing fits for me, but I have no idea what I’ll do next. Move back to New York I guess and find a job there.”

She doesn’t seem thrilled with the idea of going back to the east coast, and I’m grateful for that. New York is way too close to Pittsburgh and my father for my liking. Not that I wouldn’t follow her there. I’m just glad that she doesn’t seem to want that either.

“What’s your major?” she asks.

“Marketing too. Well, mine is marketing and mechanical engineering.”

She seems impressed by that but I can’t ask her. The professor walks in and announces that class has started. We’re only going over the syllabus for this semester and I already have the outline, so I tune the professor out and focus on my girl.

She’s obviously studious with the way that she scribbles down every word that the professor says. She keeps biting her lip when she’s concentrating and I smile. It’s cute as hell.

Before I know it, class has ended and Locklyn is shoving everything into her backpack. She practically bolts for the door, and I have to book it to keep up with her. I catch up with Locklyn on the steps outside, and she doesn’t exactly look thrilled to see me.

“Can I walk you to your next class?” I ask as she pulls up the campus map and her schedule on her phone.

“You don’t have to.”

“I want to.”

“Why?” she asks, and I turn to face her.

I grab her phone and check which class she has next. It’s all the way across the courtyard and I lead her in that direction.

“I like you. Is that not obvious? Cause I can try harder,” I tell her with what I hope is a disarming grin.

“I thought you were looking for a groupie,” she grumbles. I grin at her adorableness.

“Never. Carl is just an idiot. I’ve never been with any of the groupies,” I promise. “If you don’t accept his apology, I’ll make him do it again.”

“That’s not necessary.”

“Are you sure?” I ask, and she nods, rolling her eyes in the process.

“I’m not a… what did you call it? A track bunny? I’m not a one-night stand kind of girl so I think you should stop wasting your time and find someone else.”

“I don’t want a one-night stand either. And I don’t want another girl. I wantyou.Only you, for however long you’ll have me. Locklyn, please give me a second chance.”

She side eyes me, and I give her my puppy dog eyes. We’re almost to her next class so I need to get an answer soon. Otherwise, I’ll have to wait until after this class to ask her again.

“Will you give me a chance to be everything you need, Locklyn?” I ask quietly, sincerely, and she seems to soften.

We reach the Briar building and I pause at the top of the stairs, waiting to see if she’ll answer me. Right when I think she’s just going to ignore me, she pauses.

“I’ll think about it,” she murmurs. Before I can say anything else, she disappears into the building.

Well, it’s not a yes, but it’s not a no either. I’ve still got a chance.

I smile as I turn and jog back to the Armstrong building for my next class.