Page 79 of Alphas with Hart

“No, but I saw you get slapped by a girl you have no right to drool over.”

“Isn’t that Oakley?” I ask casually, smirking when I see his head whip around.

He’s been in love with Oakley since we were kids but unfortunately for him, Oakley is best friends with our little sister, Clara. He would never try to date her and ruin their friendship.

That doesn’t stop him from pining for her though.

“Point made,” Kai says as he turns back to me.

I tip my beer to him and down the last of it. A waitress appears next to our table and I watch as Monty and her friends finish their drinks and get ready to leave.

“Can I get you two anything else?” she asks, a flirty note to her voice.

“Shot of whiskey,” I say, and Kai holds up two fingers.

“And two more beers please,” he says, not even looking up at her.



I takeone last look at my reflection, smoothing my hand over the soft material of my black dress. It’s the only real interview outfit I have, or at least the only one that feels professional enough. It ends at about an inch above my knees and fits my curves like a glove. I pair it with a light blue cardigan that matches my eyes, and slip on reasonable yet cute flats.

I gather up the last of my courage, taking a deep breath to calm my nerves.

And then my mother’s voice filters into my mind, tearing me down limb from limb.

Playing dress-up? They’ll see right through you. No dress can hide the fact that you came from trash, and you’ll always be trash.

“No,” I whisper to myself, slamming my eyes shut. Squeezing my hands into tight fists, I push back the wave of insecurity, reminding myself of how far I’ve come. I moved eight hours away from the noise and toxicity, and now I have to choose to let it go. I refuse to let that kind of energy into my new home. My new life.

With a final cleansing breath, I open my eyes and grab my purse, making my way to the front door. This interview feels more important than the rest, and I know it’s because this is my last chance to find a summer job here.

“Good luck!” Malia calls from the kitchen. I smile at her over my shoulder.

“Thanks. I’ll let you know how it goes. When are you leaving?” I ask her. She has her first day at a firm in LA today, and I know she’s nervous and excited.

“About an hour. I’m hoping to avoid most of the traffic that way.”

“Have a safe drive,” I say as she comes to hug me goodbye.

“Thanks. I’ll talk to you later tonight.”

I squeeze her tighter and then force a smile to my lips before I make my way out to my car. It’s going to be weird to be in the apartment without her. If I don’t get the job, then I’ll probably stay here for a few days before I go to Fallen Peak. Malia’s parents own the apartment so I know it will be here when I get back.

I climb into my new car. It still feels weird to be driving around in an Audi when I used to take the bus. The car was another gift from my brother-in-law. He seemed very excited about it when he gave me the keys. He kept going on and on about the safety features and the gas mileage that I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I didn’t really need a car while I was at college.

The Stud Farm is only about a fifteen minute drive from our apartment. The farm is toward the outskirts of Sequoia, which is what makes it such a great place for parties and racing. No one is going to call the cops when the closest neighbor is miles away.

Malia and I went to a few parties and races last year, but it was never really my scene. It was just a bunch of kids getting drunk or betting on races.

I wonder if Griz was ever there when I was.

I shake my head. I’ve been trying to stop thinking about him since I slapped him last night, but he keeps popping into my thoughts. Everything about the cowboy drew me to him from the moment I felt his gaze on me. Those stormy blue eyes, thick, dark hair, and god, his muscles…

Too bad he was a cocky jerk. That grin of his still sends sparks flying over my skin when I think about it, but his horrible pick-up line was enough to undo all his schmexy rugged cowboy charm.I’d like to give you a ride.

Ugh. I cringe internally, though I won’t lie; I’m disappointed. Are all men sleazy? Then again, I don’t know what I would have done if he had been a sweet guy. I’ve sworn off dating. Relationships just aren’t for me, and I’m definitely not a one-night stand kind of girl, though things might be easier if I were.