Page 59 of Alphas with Hart

I’ve been helping Irene with her properties for the last few years, ever since her husband passed away. They were high school sweethearts, and I could tell that she was truly devastated after he passed.

It started with me just fixing things here and there at her properties. I own my own construction company so it wasn’t a big deal for me to pop by and check on things. It grew from there, and now I handle everything having to do with her properties. In exchange, she lets me rent this apartment downtown for free.

And that’s how I met my neighbor, Fawn Monroe.

She’s this small town’s golden child, as well as an interior designer. As much as I hate to admit it, Fawn is damn talented. We’ve crossed paths from time to time, working on different projects. She’s always smiling and willing to lend a helping hand, always sweet and cheery with everyone. Everyone except me that is.

I can’t help that she’s been cross with me since the day we met. I was only looking out for her, but she didn’t give me a chance to explain. Fawn was carrying in some end table from off the street, and I stopped her. I had seen that end table down at the Checkers’ house earlier in the day and knew it wasn’t the thrifty find she thought it was. The Checkers’ had a terrible termite infestation, and I didn’t want her bringing that thing inside and causing the termites to spread.

I’m not known for my people skills, but I tried to tell her gently why she should leave it on the curb. Well, as gently as a six and a half foot construction worker such as myself can manage. I may have grunted at her, but in my defense, she snapped at me before I even had a chance to get my explanation out there. And yes, it’s possible I might have told her she can’t always have her way just because everyone in town loves her.

Things spiraled down from there. The details are a bit fuzzy now, but I might have ended up ripping the end table out of her hands and carrying it back outside to the dumpster while she screamed at me.

We’ve been foes ever since.

It’s a shame, too, because Fawn is the kind of drop-dead gorgeous that would drive a lesser man insane. I’ll admit, I’ve had more than one fantasy about her. Not that I would ever tell her. She would probably rip my dick off if I tried to get near her.

Sometimes I wish things could be different between us. Before all of this started, I had seen her around town and debated asking her out. But I figured a girl like her wouldn’t be into a big grump like me. I was right.

Fawn looks like a little pixie with her strawberry blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She’s like a bright ray of sunshine, an angel with the body of a minx. Her curves always make my mouth water, and I know they would fit perfectly in my hands.

“Jensen!” Fawn snaps, ripping me from my thoughts. “Are you ready?” Her curves may be delightful, but her attitude certainly is not. I grind my teeth together as I head to answer the door.

“Yeah, I’m ready. You know we’re just going for one night, right?” I ask her when I see the huge suitcase next to her.

“I like to be prepared,” she says primly, patting the top of her luggage.

“For what? We’re not even leaving the state. What do you think is going to happen?”

“I don’t know,” she says slowly as if I’m having a hard time following, “but I’m prepared,” she says through gritted teeth.

“Whatever,” I mumble as I grab my small duffle bag.

“There you two are. I was hoping I would catch you. Here’s the key. I forgot to give it to you yesterday,” Irene says as she shuffles toward us with a bright smile.

Fawn holds out her hand for the key, and I grab it from Irene before she can. She glares at me, but I ignore her as I shove the key into the pocket of my jeans.

We’re going up to check out the house, and since Irene wants to sell it, Fawn is coming to see what kind of shape it’s in. She’ll decide if Irene should hire someone to stage it or if there are any nice pieces in the house worth bringing back to Redwood. That’s why I’m driving too. We’ll be able to fit quite a bit in the back of my truck.

“Do you need anything else from San Francisco?” I ask Irene, and she laughs.

“Oh heavens no. Thanks again for doing this for me,” she says, and I smile.

“Anything for you,” Fawn says sweetly. I roll my eyes, wondering if it’s all an act or if I really am the biggest asshole in town.

“Let me grab your bag for you,” I say as I wrap my hand around Fawn’s giant suitcase and start to head down the stairs.

“No, I got it,” she rushes to say, reaching out for the bag.

I pull it away from her, and even though this thing weighs sixty pounds, I manage to lift it over her head. She glares at me, and I assume she’s trying to summon the strength of a thousand suns to burn me to a crisp.

“Call me if you need anything, dear!” Irene calls after me, a smile curling up her lips. I lift my free hand in a wave as I continue down the stairs.

I can hear Fawn right behind me, but I ignore her as I head over to my truck and throw our luggage in the backseat.

“Careful!” Fawn snaps.

“Worried that I’ll hurt your clothes somehow?” I ask sarcastically. I turn to see her staring at me like she wants to claw my eyes out.