Page 173 of Alphas with Hart

I groan and he laughs as he heads into the kitchen to get started on our food. I grin as I turn back to my laptop and start to get to work.

It’s hard though. I’d rather focus on the six-foot-five hunk doting on me instead.



“I thinkyou should be at home resting,” I tell Avery as I trail after her down the animal shelter hallway. I’m not sure when my life started revolving around my curvy little angel, but I can’t imagine it any other way. I’d follow her anywhere, like a lovesick… well, dog.

“It’s my shift, and the shelter is short on volunteers,” Avery responds. “I can’t leave them hanging,” she tells me as she pushes into the back room.

A chorus of barks and yips assaults my ears and I wince as it bounces off of the cement floor and walls. It doesn’t even faze Avery, and I hurry to catch up with her. She’s turning down an aisle and I fall into step behind her.

“Where are we going?” I ask her as she keeps walking.

“I just want to say hi,” she says, beaming as she crouches down next to one of the cages.

“Hey there, Saint,” she coos to the ugly mutt wagging its tail and trying to lick my angel’s face through the wire fence.

“Isn’t he cute?” she asks me and I crouch down next to her to eye the dog.

The dog is black and white with a jagged scar above his left eye leading up to his ear. He’s missing his back leg too and I wonder what happened to him.

Leave it to my girl to fall in love with the most wounded animal in the place.

“Are you adopting him?” I ask her as she continues to pet him. She’s looking at the dog with such longing and affection, my crazy caveman brain is jealous for half a second.Reel it in, I scold myself.

“Yeah, soon. He’ll need more vet appointments because of his leg. It can affect their midsection after a while and I just want to make sure I have enough money saved up to give him the care that he needs.”

I’m about to open my mouth and offer her the money when I get an idea. I can get him for her Christmas gift and pay for the vet visits.

Avery gives the dog one more scratch on his ear before she stands and turns to me.

“Ready to get to work?” she asks with a bright smile and I’m powerless to do anything but nod. I’m wrapped around her little finger.

She leads me back down the aisle and over to a supply room where she grabs a few leashes, treats, and a hose. Avery shows me how to hook up the leash around the dog’s neck and front leg so we can lead them outside.

“Those two can go in the same pen together,” she tells me and I open the gate to let the shepherd mix I’m walking inside.

“What now?” I ask as the dogs run around, sniffing every blade of grass.

“Now we clean out their cages.”

Avery hums as she works, smiling as she hands out treats and hoses out the cages. Most people would find this kind of work gross, especially if they weren’t being paid, but not my girl.

She spends a few minutes with each animal, giving them extra treats and belly rubs before she moves onto the next cage. Her green eyes soften whenever she’s petting one of the animals, and her lips pull into a wistful smile. I somehow know she’s thinking about her own childhood, waiting for someone to take her to her forever home. Well, she’s found it now. With me. I won’t give her up for anything.

It’s two hours later by the time we finish up in the back room.

“How’s your wrist?” I ask her as I help her into my truck.

“It’s fine. Honestly, it’s working that hurts it more. All of that typing,” she says, rubbing her wrist.

“Why don’t you quit then?”

“I need the money,” she says, looking at me like I’m crazy.
