Page 122 of Alphas with Hart

“Congratulations,” I tell him as he climbs out grinning. Good lord, it’s not fair how sexy and confident he is. Why is he interested in me? And why have I been pushing him away?

“Thanks, baby,” he says easily. “I’m glad you came.”

“We were actually just about to leave,” I say apologetically.

“What?” Hendrix pouts, actually pouts, poking his bottom lip out and everything. It’s too freaking adorable.

“Yeah,” I say with a laugh. “The girls wanted to go to some party on campus.”

“At the Sigma Frat?” he asks. I nod.

“I think so.”

“I’ll meet you there. Kade just has to do his race and then we’ll be done here.”

“Okay,” I say as Malia tugs on my hand. “See you.”

We head back over to Malia’s car and I resist the urge to peek back over my shoulder as I walk away from him. We all climb into Malia’s car and I listen to my friends talk as we drive back toward campus.

The row of fraternity and sorority houses is just a few blocks away from our apartment building so it takes us no time at all to reach the party.

The house is packed when we walk in and I grab onto Elodie’s hand as we make our way through the crowded living room. The kitchen isn’t much better and I step out of the way as some poor girl runs past with tears streaming down her face. The speakers are just past the kitchen and I wince as the volume is turned up even more.

“Maybe we should head outside. Or at least somewhere that isn’t going to give me heatstroke or make my deaf,” I shout over the music.

Elodie nods and we start to make our way back through the living room. I’m assuming that we’re going to go out to the backyard but before we can get there, Thorne steps in front of us.

Elodie’s hand tightens around mine and I scramble to figure out what to do.

“Uh, hey. How’s it going?” I ask him but he barely spares me a glance.

“Can I have a word with you?” he asks Elodie, his voice hard but I can see something in his eyes that looks a lot like longing mixed with pain.

“Sorry, I can barely hear you,” Elodie says and then just like that, she’s gone, darting through the crowd before I can follow her.

“Um,” I start but I’m saved by Hendrix joining us.

“There you are. Did you get a drink?”

“No, but it looks like all they have left is warm beer and I’ll pass on that.”

“Good choice. Want to dance?” he asks, and I bite back a smile.

“Sure.”So much for keeping my distance.

Hendrix’s warm hand slides against mine and I grip his fingers before I remember Elodie.

“Actually, can you give me a minute?”

“Whatever you want.”

I smile, squeezing his hand before I turn and head in the direction that Elodie disappeared in. It takes me a good ten minutes but I eventually find her outside and around on the side of the house.

“There you are. I was worried about you,” I say.

She looks up and when I see her tear streaked face, I pause.

“Elodie. Are you alright?” I ask her quietly.