Page 113 of Alphas with Hart

“Want something to drink?” he whispers in my ear. I nod, letting him pull me over to where there’s a few coolers set up. “What would you like?”

“Just a water, please.”

He nods and grabs two, passing me one. His hand goes to the small of my back and I let him lead me out of the way as a group of people step up to grab their own drinks.

“It’s really pretty out here,” I say as we head over to a secluded area where the music isn’t so loud.

“Yeah, I’ve been out here in the summer and it’s nice. I worked here my freshman year as a ranch hand during summer break. It was hot as hell but the Ford brothers were all cool and it paid well.”

“I can’t picture you on a horse,” I say, and he grins.

“It was definitely different than being in a car. I wasn’t used to my mode of transportation having a mind of its own, so that set me back a bit.”

I giggle, making Hendrix shine his full smile at me. God, he’s handsome. Angled cheekbones, full lips, and a smile that chases away all the loneliness in my soul. I didn’t realize how starved for attention and kindness I was, but it makes sense. My parents were cold on their best day, and cruel every other day. Hendrix is the opposite.

It feels so natural to be teasing and talking with him.

We take a seat at the base of the hill that blocks the farm from the race track and I turn to face him a little more. He opens his mouth to say something when someone calls his name nearby and we both glance over to see a short guy headed our way.

“Sorry, I’ll be right back,” he says, and I nod, taking a drink from my water.

They disappear a little ways away behind some trees, and I stand, wondering if I can see Malia and Elodie from here. I spot them right away, frowning when I see that it looks like Elodie is facing off with some dark haired guy.

The guy looks pissed, and I take a step toward them before I remember Hendrix and head that way instead. I need to tell him that I have to go help my friend. Maybe he’ll go with me. That other guy looked intense and it might be better if he was there to help.

I’m close to the trees where Hendrix and his friend wandered off to when I hear it.

“Come on, man. Ditch the track bunny and do another race. We both know that one with Simon was a joke. There are plenty of other groupies around for you to get with if this one causes a fuss.”

Hendrix says something, but I can’t quite make it out.

“Bro, don’t let her distract you. Girls come and go. You can find someone who isn’t going to be clingy and take you away from your purpose in life. Racing and winning and making us all money!” The guy whoops and cheers, and my stomach drops to my toes.

My mouth drops open, and suddenly, I feel very cold and small. That’s what this was? I’m just some groupie to him? Some one-night stand? How could I have been so stupid and naïve?

Furthermore, did I really think we had some soul connection or something? After a handful of words and a charming smile? God, I’m more pathetic than I thought. I must be so desperate for companionship I walked right into this guy’s trap. I’ll have to be smarter and protect my heart.

I clear my throat, blinking to try to stem the flood of tears threatening to spill over onto my cheeks as both men turn to face me.

“He’s right. You’ll have to find someone else,” I say coldly. I’m surprised at the force behind my words and thankful my voice didn’t crack. I’m two seconds away from sobbing, but I won’t give these guys the satisfaction.

“Locklyn, wait,” Hendrix calls as I spin around and hurry away.

I only make it three steps before he’s on me, and I whirl around to face him.

“Leave me alone,” I growl. He just shakes his head.

“Just wait,” he pleads. “It’s not what you think.”

“Oh, so now you’re telling me what I think?” I know I’m being a brat, but he deserves it. Right? Those brown eyes flash with regret, but I don’t know if it’s genuine or if he’s only sorry he got caught.

“Locklyn, let me explain.”

“No, you jump-started. You lost your chance,” I spit at him before I whirl around and disappear into the crowd.

I run into Malia and Elodie, and they look relieved to see me.

“Ready to go?” Malia asks, and I nod.