Page 108 of Alphas with Hart

“Yeah, but I remember last time. I was so hungry the whole time so I’m eating lunch before we go.”

I laugh as she picks up her fork.

“I’ll go call everyone and get the bags,” I say as I add my chicken to her plate.

“Thanks,” she says, and I kiss her lips before I hurry down the hallway.

I call Kai first and he answers on the second ring.

“Is it time?” He asks instead of saying hello, and I grin.

“Yeah. Can you and Oakley come watch Rue?”

“Of course. We’ll be right there. Do you guys need anything right now?”

“No, we have the bag packed.”

“See you soon then. I’ll let Remy, Wyatt, and Mom and Dad know the news so you don’t have to worry about that.”

“Thanks. See you soon.”

I hang up and dial Ledger next.

“Is it time?” He asks, and I laugh.

“Yep, I’m grabbing the bag right now.”

“I’ll tell Tilly and book us a flight. We should be there by tonight or maybe tomorrow morning. Do you need anything in the meantime?”

“No, we’re good. See you guys soon.”

I hang up and grab the bag and car seat from the nursery. Monty just finished decorating it last week and I smile at the ocean blue walls. Rue insisted on helping, and we have her paintings and drawings hanging up all over the place.

I don’t know what I did to deserve all of this, but I’m grateful to have it. My life would be so ordinary and boring if I hadn’t met Monty.

She’s given me a home and a family. She’s given me everything that I could ever want, and I swear that I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to make her even a sliver of how happy she makes me.

“Uncle Kai and Aunt Oakley are going to come play,” I tell Rue as I help Monty out of her chair.


“We’ll be back tomorrow, okay?” Monty tells her and she nods, wrapping her arms around Monty’s shoulders.

“Love you,” Rue says.

“I love you too, baby.”

I help Monty stand and we carry everything out to the van. Kai is parking next to me and Oakley runs over to hug Monty, her own pregnant stomach making her bend over to wrap her arms around my wife.

“Thanks, guys,” I tell Kai, and he waves us off.

“Good luck. Text if you need anything.”

I wave as I help Monty into the van and then hurry around to the driver’s side.

“I think this birth is going to be so much easier than Rue’s,” I tell her, trying to take her mind off the contractions.

“What do you want to bet?” She asks, and I look over to see her grinning at me.