“Youwant to explain yourself? What the hell was that?” she threw back at me, much to my shock. People didn’t usually speak to me with that much challenge in their voice.
I cocked my head to the side, eyes narrowed to convey my utter disbelief at her audacity. “Excuse me?”
She waved her hands, flailing, “You! Walking into my place of work and manhandling me in front of my colleagues. What the fuck, Alexei?”
I stared at her incredulously before throwing my head back and bursting into laughter. “Your place of work? Excuse me if I thought you worked at my club.As a dancer.” Good luck to her if she hadn’t wanted people to know. Judging by how red her face was getting, she didn’t.
She huffed with annoyance. I was surprised she hadn’t breathed fire. I had to bite the inside of my mouth to hide my amusement.
She breathed in a few times, obviously trying to calm down. Her face was still flushed with annoyance. “Look. I understand you feeling… disgruntled… that I didn’t tell you about my job here. But just because we’ve been fucking for a week doesn’t make it any of your business.”
“Lying to me is my business. Especially when you came to me with that sob story about your supposed ex—”
“It wasn’t…” She stopped, biting her lip. “In any case, what are you doing here and how did you find me?”
“Oh, I’m sure you’d like to know.”
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Fine. How about we behave like adults here and not a couple of teenagers trying to one-up each other? I didn’t tell you about this job because… well, I don’t get paid enough, and I needed supplemental income, but I didn’t want anyone to know about it. There. Happy?”
“You were ashamed of being a stripper? Trust me—there are worst ways to earn your keep. Besides, I offered to help you with your rent, and you said no.”
“I still have my pride.”
I snorted derisively. “Pride won’t keep you warm at night.”
“Keeps me plenty warm, thanks.” She crossed her arms, looking me in the face.
I rolled my eyes. “So mature. Look, why don’t you cut the crap and just move in with me?”
Even as the words were leaving my mouth, I couldn’t believe I was saying them. I didn’t take them back though because this woman was driving me round the bend.
She gaped at me, just as shocked as I was with what I was proposing. “Have you lost your mind or have I?” she asked as if she genuinely wanted to know.
“Must be you. My mind is like a steel trap.” I was just saying anything at this point. “So what do you say? Let’s cut the shit. You move in with me, no more rent. No more food bills. Problem solved.”
“Yeah, until you get tired of me and kick me to the curb. Do you think I’m stupid?”
I gave her a side-eye. “You really want me to answer that?”
She gave me that challenging look again. “Actually yeah, I do.”
I looked away, shaking my head. “You know I could have you fired from the hospital right? I’m on the board.”
She narrowed her eyes at me. “On what grounds?”
“Oh, I’m pretty sure I could find something.” I smirked at her.
She paled, but still she was looking at me with utter defiance. “Yeah, well, if you do that, you can kiss whatever this is goodbye.”
I stared at her, impressed despite myself at how well she was standing up for herself. She was kind of a badass. But I wasn’t about to let her win.
I grabbed her by the jaw and hauled her face right into mine, looking deep into her dark brown eyes. I smiled.
“Very well played,dorogoy,” I hissed. “I am very impressed by your determination. However, I regret that I cannot allow you to sneak in and out of my bed like a criminal. You’re moving in with me. I don’t care if we have to sign a contract. It’s happening because I say it is.”