“I don’t even know you!” This woman was crazy if she thought I’d just leave all the sleuthing in her hands and skip off into the sunset. For all I knew, she was complicit.

Katya looked at me with narrowed eyes, her arms folded. “So, tell me, genius—what do you plan to do once you find out what happened to your sister, huh? You think you can take it to the cops? Do you see them doing anything to find her?”

My lips twisted. Considering that detective Reed had effectively told me to back off or else… I had to concede that she had a point.

“Tell me, Nora. What’s your plan?”

Well, she didn’t have to be so mean about it. I shrugged, avoiding her eye. I had no plan and had no idea what I was doing. I was flailing about like a landed fish. I admit it. There was no need for her to rub it in.

She resumed her pacing only to come to a stop in front of me. “Iknow what to do,” she said with supreme confidence.

I looked up and met her eye. “Tell me.”

She gave me a sidelong smile. “So, you’re in?”

I bit my lip, thinking hard. I was really up shit creek without a paddle… and she was offering me a canoe. “Yeah, I’m in.”

“Good. Now, forget Alexei, he’s not who we want. It’s Igor that we have to get to. Make him talk.”

“And how do we do that?”

“Well…” She inclined her head at me. “For one thing, I’m gonna need some chloroform. You wouldn’t happen to have access to that? Say, in your other job as a nurse?”

My jaw dropped. “How did…?”

She snorted derisively. “I told you. Cece talked about you. She was really proud of you, making something of yourself.”

The lump was back in my throat. Ihadto find my sister. “Well, the use of chloroform has been discontinued in hospitals since the civil war. But we could make it ourselves. The recipe is on the internet.”

“Perfect. Then I’ll take care of it.” She beamed.

Just then the door opened, and Alexei came in. He stopped short, surprised to see us there.

“Katya. Nora. What are you doing in here?”



Katya and Nora in the same room, looking thick as thieves. I didn’t know what to feel.

“What’s going on?” I asked the room in general. Nora avoided my eye, but Katya came right up to me and kissed my cheek.

“Just shooting the breeze, big brother, as we waited for you.”

“Oh really? And why were you waiting for me?” I cocked an eyebrow at her.

“Well, you know that practically abandoned warehouse you keep near the docks? It’d be perfect for a rave since you don’t want me in your club. Can my friends and I use it?” She batted her lashes prettily at me and I snorted. My sister was always so full of shit.

Still, what harm could it do?

I shrugged. “Knock yourself out. You need some people to clean it up for you?”

“Nah. I’ll take care of it. I’m notcompletelyuseless, you know?”

“No one said you were.”

“Mmm.” She let go of me and sauntered to the door. “Well anyway, I will leave you two lovebirds alone. So long, and thanks for the warehouse.” She wiggled her fingers at me before leaving.