Page 95 of Duchess Material

“Oh, I wasn’t sure.”

“You’re silly. Of course, I was.”

“I want to have an actual conversation, Luce.”

“Okay.” Lucy took his hand and followed him to the couch.

Lucy wasn’t sure what this was about. His face wasn’t upset, but Winston looked serious. They sat down on the couch. Winston held her hand as if looking for the words.

“I regret my words, Lucy. I know it made you feel like you weren’t good enough and I want you to know that simply isn’t true. I know how hard it has been to fit in and how beautifully you’ve done so. At the same time, I’ve done a lousy job fitting into your life—”

“You haven’t, though.”

“I have,” Winston insisted.

“No. I think it’s just hard for you to understand. That’s not your fault, though. It’s just something we must work on, baby.”

“I would agree. That is my point. I want to put you completely at ease here. I am not comparing you to anything. There is no test for whether you’re good enough. Last night was a misguided attempt to protect you and to defend your honour—”

“I don’t need that. And, anyway, Natalie does enough of it.”

Winston laughed. “Okay, sure.”

“Don’t. Okay? I know I was born poor. I know my parents are a nightmare. I know you probably want nothing to do with that all—”

“No. I know you don’t need saving. You do quite well on your own, Luce. I just want you to be the safe place to land you deserve. You are resilient, but I’d like to ensure you don’t have to be so resilient, baby. I want you to feel like this is our home. You must know I’m in your life—now and forever. I don’t want you to freeze your eggs or worry that I’m about to run off with some daughter of an earl.”

“Oh, Winston, I… I don’t know what to say.”

“I only want you. Just you. For so fucking long that it’s embarrassing to admit. I promised myself when this whole thing started that I would try not to fuck it up. After you got back from Africa, I worried you’d run away. I wouldn’t have blamed you. But I was fully committed then. I remain so. I know you are road-weary here. God bless you for even trying, Luce.”

Lucy was confused by Winston’s speech. “What are you trying to say?”

“I’m shit at this,” Winston admitted. “Also, underprepared. Give me a second, please.”

Lucy watched him rush over to his desk and then come back over. He looked nervous now. Then, as if without worry, Winston got down on one knee and said, “Lucy Chandler, if you would do me the absolute honour, I’d be the luckiest man on earth as your husband. Could you find it in your heart?”

Lucy was dumbfounded. There was Winston looking completely vulnerable. In his hand, a ring box that she was hoping held something beautiful. Lucy was convinced it probably did. She looked at him and nodded.

“It’s too soon, Tony. Against my better judgement and because I trust our insane plan, I would love to give you that honour.”

Lucy kissed him before taking the box in her hands, now shaking. His probably were, too.

“It’s… an heirloom,” Winston said nervously. “If you hate it—”

Lucy peeled the box back and stared at an impressive pear-shaped solitaire set in what she assumed was platinum. Lucy had little knowledge of jewellery personally. However, she had handled more tiaras than any woman had business doing. It was stunning.

“It’s perfect!”

“I am glad you like it, then. We’ll have to size it but… it was my grandmother’s ring.”

“It’s sweet. Yes. I think you’re nuts, Winston, but God if I don’t want to hop onto this train.”

Winston stared at Lucy as if she were the only woman on earth. “I love you, Lucy Chandler.”

“Soon to be Lucy Ferguson.”

“Soon to be Lady Lucy Chandler, Countess of Lauderdale.”