Rita nodded and asked, “What is Lucy’s biggest fear?”
“Me leading her on for years and then me pissing off with some other woman. The very idea of her dying having been robbed of the idea of having children. She thinks she is doomed and being punished for working. I think she still believes she did something wrong to make George not love her enough.”
“Well, it’s not fair for her to expect you to fix that,” Rita admitted.
“I know. And we all have hang ups. Lucy will be the first to admit she has an abandonment complex. I think we’ve worked through some of it, though. She took me home with her. It was unfiltered. We talked about it. She’s so resilient. I’d like her to not have to be. That’s why I’m so sore over this.”
“There was nothing any of us could do for Georgie. He was always supposed to leave,” Vanna sighed. “I felt it deep down for years that Natalie was better suited. It hurts that he’s left. Robbie struggles with it so much. In fact, he forgets that Natalie is even human since she takes it on the chin so well. George was never right for it. Lucy was loving. She was perfect. It was nothing she did. She fears never having children most?”
Winston nodded.
“Well, that’s ridiculous. A pretty girl like her!” Rita scoffed.
“No, it’s not. Rita, I thought after I lost Nate that I would never have children. Remember that? I didn’t expect to be widowed at twenty-five. I expected two kids by thirty. I would bet Lucy is in a similar boat. And this frightens you, Winston?”
Winston set the record straight, “No, no. I’d marry her tomorrow. We’ve talked about having children together. I firmly believe we are meant to be parents. I know it sounds a bit mad, but we work so well together. There is no one I want more than Lucy. And there is no one I’d rather have children with. She’s just wonderful.”
“And she knows that?” Vanna asked.
Winston nodded.
“Winston, stay out of the press nonsense. You say she’s resilient, right?”
“Yes, Mum.”
“Then trust that she is and don’t meddle. Remind her. Be kind to her. Support her. Remind her of her self-worth. Do not engage with that line of reasoning. It will die out. If I had a dime for every time I watched Robbie climb down that rabbit hole for you, Vanora, I’d be worth more and more in dividends alone.”
“Apologise, for one. And not for yourself but for her. Tell her everything you’ve just told your mother and me,” Vanna said.
“I love her. I just want her to be happy,” Winston agreed.
“I know what we can do. And hopefully it will make her realise this isn’t changing,” Rita said. “But you must trust me, Winston.”
“I will, Mum. I guess I have nothing to lose.”
“You’re here, actually here,” Ed remarked.
“I am here. I am in your bed. I am naked. All as promised,” Natalie said.
Ed raced through disrobing. He’d just arrived off a transatlantic flight to join her for a few days before they both shipped off again. Natalie was headed to Iceland. Ed was headed to Las Vegas and then Chicago. He would be on the road three weeks this time. His trip would end with a race in California. Natalie would miss him. But, after Iceland, would get some quality time with him in Chicago. Right now, though, she was looking forward to spending the day in bed with him.
“You are a sight for sore eyes,” Ed said.
He kissed her as he settled next to her under the covers. She ran her right hand down to his cock. Natalie hoped her hands weren’t too frigid. She’d been waiting there about an hour just playing on her phone. Either way, Ed didn’t seem to care. She’d gone over this reunion in her head dozens of times. She’d blow him within an inch of ecstasy, demand he reciprocate, and then they’d have wild sex, probably with him taking her from behind. The mere thought of it made her body tingle.
Natalie signalled she was about to go down on Ed. He stopped her, his hand holding her chin up.
“No. I have zero patience now. I want to fuck you.”
“You’re turning down a blow job?” Natalie scoffed.
“I haven’t seen you in ten long days. I want the whole thing.”
Ed sat up and decisively pulled her towards him. Natalie was confused but she rolled with it. Ed parted her legs and slid inside her. It felt like a relief. God, ten days, and it was this bad now? Ten days and they were miserable? How bad would this get for them. Natalie was aware he wanted to watch her. He pinned her arms back and kissed her, body suspended above hers through some magic Natalie didn’t understand. Ed pulled away, staring down at her as she came. She must have looked a mess. Her face flushed. She fought his grasp as her eyes rolled back and her toes curled.