Page 6 of Duchess Material

“Hello, my darling,” Lucy cooed to Frida. “And the rest of you.”

“They have missed you, Luce,” Winston said.

“What about the new dog?”

“Her name is Holly.”

“Short for?” Lucy asked.


“Of course, she is.”

“I missed you and saw her posted on the shelter page. She’d been without a home for six months, has some medical issues, and I couldn’t say no. Her owner died. She was a lovely pensioner.”

“Sweet girl. Winston, the timing on the dog is shit.”

“There is never a good time to get a fourth dog. I realise. I’m mad. I get it. But I am a sucker.”

“No, she’s darling. I think I am losing my fucking mind saying this, but I don’t care about the dog. Not really, anyway. I have bigger issues to discuss—”

“I knew it. I’m sorry. I’ve made it weird—”

“No, Winston, no,” Lucy looked sad. “It’s not that—”

“Then what?”

“Can we just sit down?” Lucy took off her mac and hung it up.

“Sorry, sorry. Come, sit, I will get you a glass of wine, whisky, whatever—”

“No, Winston,” she said sharply. “Just water.”

He looked at her confused but obliged. Lucy sat on the couch cross-legged. He brought her a glass and waited for her to start.

Lucy’s head hung low. “I’m not myself. Sorry.”

“It’s okay. You’ve been on the road for weeks.” Winston was nervous.

Was this the “I’m not interested” speech incoming?

“Yeah,” she admitted. “I think I’m pregnant, too. That’s the worst part.”

Winston’s jaw dropped. “You’re… pregnant? Or did I mishear—”

“I might be. And if I am, it’s yours. Please don’t doubt me—”

“I’m not. Shit, Lucy.”

Lucy burst into tears. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

“No, Lucy, you don’t need to apologise. How did… I thought you said…”

“The Palace Physician forgot to mention the antimalarial medication can render your birth control useless. So, all the faith I put in taking my pill like a good girl, it was pointless. I am so angry, Winston. I am so sorry.”

“Don’t apologise. Shit. I’m not upset. I’m… what do we do? I mean, what do you want to do?”

“I don’t know. I need a test. I need to take it. But I’m about two weeks late. So, I don’t think it could be anything else. The timing was right on the nose with when we—”