Page 60 of Duchess Material

“Can you trust me?”

Lucy wasn’t about to argue with the man who worked a miracle on her pussy. Why argue with perfection? She flipped on her side. Winston pulled one of her legs back and took her from behind. She came again, his hand on her clit as he thrust quickly. She cupped her hand over her mouth to keep from screaming. It was almost too much. She couldn’t help herself. When they finished, Winston letting her leg recess back to its normal place, they lay there breathing heavy, exhausted, and contented.

“That was… fire,” Lucy admitted. “You are…

“Knackered?” Winston laughed. “And you are… a joy.”



“We should go around the table and say what we are most grateful and excited for,” Robbie said.

The family took in their formal Christmas Eve dinner. This adults-only celebration was a tradition long as anyone could remember.

Natalie hated this tradition. To date, her excitement was related to aircraft. No one, but Uncle Duncan would understand. This year, she had little to say unrelated to her boyfriend—a thorny issue with her father.

Robbie went first. “I am grateful everyone pulled together as George took a step back and did what he needed to. I am grateful for Patrick in helping him navigate that. I am most excited we might get to spend more time with little Charlotte in the coming year and to see what all of you kids get up to.”

Robbie looked to Natalie. She was already irritated because she saved the family from a succession crisis but had not gotten a mention.

“Well, I don’t know how to respond, and you know how I hate this.”

“Natalie, you have nothing to be grateful for?” Vanna asked.

“No, I didn’t say that. I am grateful for all our health. And I don’t know what I am most excited about.”

Kiersten crossed her arms. “Nat, that’s a cop out! You must be excited about something, right?”

Natalie took a deep breath. “I am most grateful for Ed as the best distraction this year. I am also grateful for Lucy’s compassion and steadfast support. Without Lucy and Ed, I’d be a ship off its moorings. I’d be bitter and bored. I’m excited to see what the new year brings for us—all of us but especially Ed and me.”

“Aww,” Lucy said, “you’re too sweet.”

“I mean it, girl. You’re my rock.”

George was cross. When he’d ditched everyone—right reason or not, Natalie had been out at sea. So had Lucy. It was the best thing to have a partner in crime. Lucy had held her together and put her back right so many times. It was only fair she get credit where it was due.

Robbie cleared his throat. “Well, I didn’t realise things were so serious with Ed… I hope it is a good year.”

Paul went next. “I’m probably most excited to spend some time in the U.S. with George and Pat playing polo.”

“Polo, really?” Cousin Victoria razzed him. “Good lord, mate. There is so much more out there than polo.”

It was true, but Paul could be happy with the most basic sort of thing. He missed George like the rest. George had been so central to their lives and now was gone. Natalie felt a large part of her heart separated from her body when he was in America. Paul would probably benefit from going to the States to play polo with George. It was surprising Robbie would let him.

The round continued until they reached George.

He stood. “Well, I am most grateful for everyone’s support, as I did what seemed impossible. I am glad you all believed in me and took my leap of faith in stride. To Natalie, you are still my rock, and I am forever indebted to you. To the rest of you, know I don’t take you for granted. And as for the next year, I think Patrick and I both have a lot to be grateful for.”

Oh really? What was this? An announcement?

“We’re going to have a wedding and we’re starting the process of giving Charlotte a sibling.”

There was an eruption of excitement as George and Patrick explained they were planning to marry on a by-week in September over Labour Day—a big American holiday. The wedding would take place at their newly purchased Lakeside compound. The baby was a whole separate issue. They were using an egg donor, a surrogate, and Patrick was going to the biological father. This was all fine and lovely. Natalie was happy for him. She was also a bit jealous. Why couldn’t people be this excited for her? She and Ed were together nearly as long this time around. They were in love. However, if she announced they were engaged, her father would have denied her consent to marry. Moreover, if they had announced an engagement, it would be largely overshadowed by her brother’s own engagement. And here he was with one child and about to have two! Natalie was feeling her slipping fertility keenly in this moment.

George said, “And, of course, you’ll be in the wedding, Nat. I want you to be my best woman, of course.”

“Is that a thing?” Kiersten laughed.