“I’d rather not be sleep deprived. Whatever you do, wherever you go, so must I. No thanks.”
Natalie tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Stockholm is gonna be bomb as fuck. We shall have a blast. Yes?”
Lucy smiled a bit.
“You missed him. You actually missed him!”
“I did.”
“Ah! Oh my God, I love this. I love this.”
“He’s taking me on a date.”
“A proper date?”
Lucy nodded. They let out an out an excited squee.
“He’s taking me to see Six.”
“Oh my God, yes, darling. Yes. Okay, let’s get you dressed for this. What are you wearing? Something that makes you look divine, obvi,” Natalie said. “Hmm…”
“I don’t know. I purged my closet.”
“What? Why?”
“Stuff George bought me. Wasn’t feeling right. I sent a big box to my sisters in the post. I now have like 15 pieces of clothing.”
“We can sort it out later. A breakup purge—finally. You must be serious.”
“I wasn’t at the time,” Lucy admitted. “But it felt right. I needed to do it.”
“Ah! A date!”
“A real date. In public! It’s a novel concept.”
“We will have to double. When we get back, I mean. Because we officially can now. Something nice? Fun.”
“I think we could yeah. Is it weird I am excited?”
“No. You should be! It should be exciting and romantic!”
“What should be?”
Lucy looked over to see Queen Vanna. Oh, no!
“Lucy has a proper date,” Natalie said. “We’re just planning now. She needs an outfit. She’s going to spend time at the theatre tonight.”
“Oh, really? Lucy that’s wonderful,” Vanna said. “And who is the guy? Anyone special?”
“She won’t tell you even though she should.” Natalie elbowed Lucy in the ribs playfully.
“Oh, why? Unless he’s a serial killer or an ogre, what’s the issue?” Vanna laughed.
“Luce, c’mon. She’s going to find out. His mum is going to squawk.”
“Wait, his mum knows!?”
“Sheena knows so I’m assuming—”