“It’s not!” Rita rolled her eyes. “Winston, be happy. Ignore anything anyone says. It’s far from a scandal.”
Winston felt little guilt. Yes, she was George’s ex. Yes, he loved George. They were raised together since infancy. Winston didn’t owe George. George didn’t own Lucy. She had complete agency, right? She got to make the choice. Winston hoped Gerry was wrong. Meanwhile, he would not apologise for loving Lucy. He was incapable.
* * *
Natalie spent her time in Belfast answering questions about Ed Winslow. She had not expected people to care. Then again, Ed was half-Northern Irish, the product of an interfaith union with parents who had very different political opinions on issues of state sovereignty. Natalie gave little thought to macro geopolitics her entire life, so this was a new foray. She had always been a warm body following orders.
Ed was a local hero in Belfast even if he didn’t know it. People everywhere wanted to talk about Ed. She expected the paps and tabloids to go mad and torture Ed. She didn’t expect constituents to treat him as a future consort from the get-go. People spoke with Natalie as if he was already on deck for deployment. This was challenging. After all, Natalie had never confirmed a relationship publicly. A blog—Based—known for its nastiness, proclaimed, “She’s probably not gay!”
No, she was not the gay twin.
Ed was a saving grace. He was an unusual choice, but a beloved one. Ed was a national treasure and a media sweetheart. Shirtless pictures and divorce aside, he was well-liked.
When Natalie returned to London after her time in Belfast, she was encouraged by the success of their relationship’s “launch”. Ed tolerated it, relieved he could come and go as he pleased—more or less.
Natalie arrived home to her digs at Clarence House late and immediately went to bed. After she texted Ed a simple status update, things got steamy fast.
I’d be glad to run over there and eat you out.
Natalie seriously contemplated the offer. Alas, there was a 9 AM all hands with her father the next morning. At the same time, she only had about 36 hours before she had to leave to go to Stockholm.
9 AM, baby. I’m in early.
I could be there in 20. You know you want me.
She did want him. Natalie looked over at her nightstand. She pulled out her most diligent vibrator. It was too late. Asking him to come there was too much. As soon as she turned it on, it died. She tried her second-in-command. It was dead, too.
“Fuck!” Natalie groaned and texted him again.
You can’t be serious!
I could show you how serious I am.
Fine. Get over here.
Leaving now!
Somehow, this was easier than going to sleep sexually frustrated. God, he was so good at oral. She craved it now.
Ed arrived, not fucking around. “I’m glad you’re home.”
He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.
“I am, too. I have little time and even less patience.”
Ed pinned her against the wall. They did not make it to the bedroom. Ed kissed Natalie deeply, one hand cupping her face. She bit his lip as he pulled back a bit and moved the other hand down her torso. She bit his lip harder still as he put his hand up the oversized t-shirt she was wearing as a nightgown. She breathed harder, panting as he kissed her neck.
“Take you knickers off. “
Natalie was surprised by his demand but tossed them aside. He dropped to his knees, pressing her against the wall and buried his face into her pussy unexpectedly. She pushed her head back hard into the wall and arched her back. Standing on her tip toes, she let him lick and suck as much as he wanted to, almost reaching climax before he stopped.
She panted, “Why are you stopping?”
He stood back up. “Because. I wanted you to wait for me.”
Natalie almost wanted to smack him. However, the way he was looking at her, she couldn’t have been too cross. God, why was he so gorgeous? Why did he make her so weak? She hated how much she yearned for him. Ed’s chill lack of awareness to this fact added to the mystique. Ed picked her up and pressed her into the wall, pushing her against it. She wrapped her legs around him, still so close. Ed knew this and basked in the power of it. She hated and loved him for it all at once. It didn’t take long before Natalie swore she saw stars.
“Oh, Ed, don’t stop,” she moaned, digging her nails into his back.