Their mother was the last to bother them. “What now?”
Bruno looked chuffed. “Winston and Lucy are dating.”
“Winston, darling, you told me—”
“I told you what my best information at the time was. We had a conversation before she left for Belfast and—”
Rita beamed. “Good.”
“You cannot say anything to Cousin Vanna!”
“Oh, I can,” Rita said. “But I won’t. I am assuming this is coming from Lucy?”
Winston shrugged.
“Vanna would never take it out on the poor thing. She adores Lucy. Robbie would lose his mind if we lost her. Natalie is completely reliant on Lucy for getting places and knowing things.”
“George is gonna be cross!”
“Nina, calm down. Don’t be ridiculous. He’s with someone else—”
“Men are idiots about possession, though!”
Bruno was noticeably quiet.
Rita looked at her husband. “What?”
Bruno shrugged. “I sort of agree with Nina. And perhaps the difference is a cultural one? But if I started dating my cousin’s ex-girlfriend, he’d have every right to be pissed off.”
“Look, I am not saying he will,” Gerry said. “But as his best mate, I can say dear George can be rather petty. It comes from insecurity. Expect some blowback. Don’t let that stop you. Lucy took the high road so well. George is loving his life. She deserves happiness, too. As do you.”
“She’s a saint,” Sheena said. “She deserves someone who will take care of her and put her first. Besides, Natalie has been protective of Lucy. She’ll tell George to fuck off.”
Bruno snickered.
“What? We should all be terrified of Cousin Natalie,” Nina said. “In the zombie apocalypse, I’m nominating her as leader.”
Rita sighed. “Even if he whinges, there is no ownership of women in this world. We don’t own people. Vanna and Robert won’t tolerate such nonsense from any of the kids. He can go pound sand. Vanna would tell him as much.”
“Yes, but is it a moral grey area?” Gerry wondered.
“No,” Sheena said. “Not unless you’re a knob or a misogynist who believes shagging someone grants ownership. And if genders were reversed, then what? This pool is so shallow. Everyone shags everyone anyhow.”
The dating pool for aristocrats and royals was more kiddie pool than ocean.
Rita waded in. “Duncan lost out to Robbie on Vanna—famously—and ate crow for punching Robbie in the face over it. I doubt Robbie would even let it be said.”
“I still cannot believe Duncan and Robbie fought over Vanna.” Gerry shook his head.
“I can. She was the prize of the summer. She was drop-dead gorgeous—still is. Who didn’t want her that year?” Rita chuckled. “Bringing her back here was the best thing I could have done for her.”
Bruno sighed, “Don’t break your arm patting yourself on the back, baby.”
“Well, if that’s the case, who do you have to thank for the introduction to Lucy?” Sheena asked Winston.
Winston groaned. “George.”
Nina pointed at Winston. “See, grey area!”