Page 19 of Duchess Material



Natalie and Ed packed to leave the bar, having had a few. They outstayed Lucy and Winston. When Natalie’s detail approached. Her lead PPO delivered the bad news.

“We’ve got company, ma’am.”

“How? How on Earth did they find us up here?” Natalie wondered.

They were out of the view of the front of the club, but Ed would have to get out alive.

“Natalie, I’ll take them out the front, you escape out the back.”

“Ed, you think they are here for you?” Natalie scoffed.

“Look, Princess, these folks are going to want to secure you first. They can bring the car ‘round back. I’m throwing myself in front of the train.”

“No, Winslow, no.” Natalie shook her head. “We’ll hide you.”

“Hide me?”

“Don’t ask questions,” Natalie said. “Just listen to orders.”

“I’m sorry, Squadron Leader, but this isn’t a military exercise—”

“Edwin, do you want to make this worse or listen?” Natalie said, voice short.

He backed off, finally realising Natalie wasn’t in a joking mood. The minute he went out there, they would be tied together. Right now, they were linked because Lucy was spotted at the joint and they had visual confirmation of her leaving. They knew Natalie was not too far behind. If someone had called in a spotting, they could implicate Ed now regardless of if they saw the Princess. She hated this. She loathed the running around. She despised the questions and the dodging.

“What do I do then?” Ed said, falling back.

“Um… hide under a blanket in the boot?” Natalie winced.

“Nat, I’m thirty-six fucking years old! I’m not doing that!”

“I don’t know what you expect me to do here. It’s complicated and—”

“Is it? I love you. You love me. Is it complicated?” Ed demanded as the PPO looked on.

Natalie had been here before years earlier. She had been here throwing herself in front of a train. That time, she was convinced the best approach when getting out surrounded was leaving on the arm of her brother’s love interest, giving him a hell of a kiss in public and then climbing in a car to leave. Ten years later, the reel would not age well as George and Patrick came out to everyone.

“Where is the car?”

“Out front, ma’am. But we can bring it around- “

“That’s fine. I can take it,” Natalie said. “Ed, can you order an Uber?”

“Yeah, of course,” Ed replied, confused.

“Ma’am you cannot ride in—”

“It’s not for me. It’s for him. And we’re meeting up at Ed’s. You will drive the long way and sneak in. Ed, you will have the Uber drive you to the train station at Kensal Green, pretend to get on the Overground, and then leave the platform. You have an Oyster card—”

“Yes, I have an Oyster card. I’m surprised you know what one is.”

“I am not an idiot. I do not live under a rock!” Natalie protested.

“Okay, Princess. Take the car to Kensal Green station. Get on the Overground. Uber should be here in about thirty seconds,” Ed confirmed.