Page 132 of Duchess Material

Winston took a deep breath and explained. “That’s not it. My father is an angry, snooty person who had choice words to say about Lucy that made her uncomfortable. His views do not impact or reflect those of the family I regularly talk to. My parents—my mother and stepfather—and my siblings are overjoyed to have Lucy officially join us. Quite frankly, I am surprised my mother hasn’t rented out a skywriter to let the world know. She adores Lucy.”

“This wasn’t about any of you. I’m sorry if you read it that way. I can’t change your feelings and you don’t owe me anything. We did it because it made sense for us. It was a lovely wedding. I will share photos and send you your favourites. It was a small, intimate thing with just our witnesses. We had to have a certain number and had to follow British protocols.”

The fib had been Rita’s idea. She was full of ideas.

“I do not understand why you wouldn’t ask us.”

“They must be British, Mom. That’s why.”

“So, what, she’s your wife now?” Lucy’s father asked.

Winston nodded, confused by that question. “Yes. Lucy is my wife.”

“Missus what?”

“Mrs. Ferguson,” Jane said. “Dwight, you know Winston’s last name.”

“Technically, that is her surname, but people will never refer to her as such in proper society.”

Lucy shook her head.

“What? It is correct. You have a title. I am not going to lie about it. Your family doesn’t have to use it, but they should be aware. Lucy is the new Countess of Lauderdale and people either refer to her as Lady Lucy or Lady Ferguson.”

“No one does that but palace staff or if I were to attend an official occasion with you, Winston.”

“Mum’s staff will,” Winston said. “My point is that no one will call you Mrs. Ferguson. Mum is about to announce your title.”

“Countess? What is that even?” Dwight asked.

“Well, she’ll be Duchess when my mother is no longer around. It’s a courtesy title since I’m an Earl.”

“That is all ridiculous! Our Lucy as a countess? You gotta be kidding me, man!”

Winston said, annoyed, “Lucy is my wife, Dwight. That’s the important part. Regardless of what you call her, she’s my wife.”

Lucy’s father shook his head. “Fucking ridiculous!”

“Dwight!” Jane snapped. “You will calm down. You won’t curse at Lucy or Winston! I will throw you out and it’s not even my house!”

Lucy was grateful for her grandmother’s defence, but unable to speak up.

“You realise she was almost Princess of Wales, right?” Francie wondered. Lucy shut down internally.

“What?” Dwight wondered.

“Maybe you all are unaware, but Lucy was with Prince George for years.”

“As what… some sort of cover up? Well, that seems about right. Lucy would see herself as a princess, wouldn’t she? Nothing has ever been good enough for her. Good luck with that, Winston.”

“Lucy is the least entitled person I know,” Winston said. “And George loved her. Which, let me tell you, has made all this quite complicated. I think he still wants to knock my block off.”

“I wasn’t a beard,” Lucy said. “That is the word you are looking for. He isn’t gay, Dad. I don’t expect you to understand that. Do not denigrate him, I won’t have it!”

Dwight set his jaw, “How did she fool you?”

“Me?” Winston was confused again.

“Yes, boy. I meant you.”