Page 129 of Duchess Material

Natalie rolled her eyes.

The lot of them assembled. There was no walk down the aisle. Instead, Lucy and Winston stood before their most beloved friends and family to swear an oath to one another. In the low light, just the two of them pledging everything, Winston was the happiest he had ever been. Nothing could have matched it.

Nathan welcomed everyone and said, “Today, you have gathered to witness the commitment that these two people will make together. Marriage is a commitment to last a lifetime. As I have spoken with Winston and Lucy, it has become clear that they view it as a true partnership. It is all-encompassing. It is a pledge to love unconditionally, the ever-support one another, to trust in, and to affirm one’s love and respect for one another in good times and in bad.”

“Today, Lucy and Winston make the ultimate pledge and set out on a new journey together. You, as their friends and family, are called to support them. The couple has asked me to request your formal support. Do you, gathered here today out of love for Winston and Lucy, vow to support them in their marriage? To help them nurture and grow together? And to walk with them as they build a life and family together?”

“Hell yes,” Natalie was first to chime in.

Ed glared at her.

“What? It’s a civil ceremony and we’re standing by a bar. I can say that.”

The rest pledged a yes, laughing at Natalie’s excitement and exuberance.

Winston and Lucy turned back to the officiant who said, “We love to see even the very zealous supporter of the couple, yes. I must also ask if anyone here has any reason to believe these two may not be legally joined in marriage?”

The room was silent.

Nathan continued, “Grand! Now the legal bit. Please hold hands. Before you are joined in matrimony here today, I must remind you both of the solemn and binding character of the vows you are about to make. Marriage, according to the law of this country, is the union of two people, voluntarily entered into for life, to the exclusion of all others. These vows constitute a formal and public pledge of your love for one another. I am now going to ask each of you in turn to declare that you do not know of any legal reason why you should not be joined in marriage to each other.”

Winston repeated after the officiant, “I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment why I, Winston Keir Ferguson, may not be joined in matrimony to Lucy Renee Chandler.”

Lucy smiled back at him and repeated the same message herself.

The officiant requested they make their official declarations. Winston went first in a blaze before witnessing Lucy’s happy vow.

Lucy said, through happy tears, “I call upon these persons here present to witness that I Lucy Renee Chandler do take thee Winston Keir Ferguson to be my lawful wedded husband.”

“The couple have chosen to read their own vows now,” the registrar announced. “Winston, would you like to begin?”

Winston obliged, now fighting tears. “Lucy, I knew the day I met you that you were something special. I fell in love with all your charm, your love for everyone, and your caring personality far quicker than I am willing to admit here in front of everyone. I went for years in denial of this until I finally got brave and told you. I am so grateful I did. Every day that I spend with you is the better than the previous.”

Natalie handed them both a tissue. Winston dabbed his eyes.

“Sorry, I’m a sympathetic crier,” Winston said. “Lucy, I promise to love you, uninhibited. I promise to care for you, to honour you, and to always put you first. I vow that as long as I am in your life, I will appreciate all of you—your good and challenging parts. I will always provide for you and our family in all ways—especially emotionally. I am not a perfect person, which you well know, but I will give you my best. And I know when I don’t, you’ll hold me to it.”

Lucy chuckled at that.

“I will never take you for granted, Lucy. You can be assured of this. I love you, Lucy. I am so glad to call you my wife.”

Lucy needed a moment.

She sniffled and pulled herself together. “Apologies. I’m dying here. That was… this is… it’s so much and I am so happy. Don’t think otherwise.”

“Take your time,” Nathan assured her.

“Winston,” Lucy read from her piece of paper, hands shaking. “I promise to be a good partner—your partner in all ways. I promise to walk this life with you and grant you as much patience, love, and empathy as I possess. I will put you above all others and love you with abandon. I cannot promise you much beyond my love and trust, but I can guarantee you have all of me. You make me wobbly and silly. You make me happy beyond measure. I have never had anyone lift me up or cherish me as you do. It is sometimes hardest for me to accept your love and grace. Still, I do.”

It was true. She was lousy at that bit.

“I vow that I will always try to prioritise you and our family. You are the love of my life, Winston. I want nothing more than you and our little life together. So, I vow to make it the best one I can. And, with you, I know we will… together.”

Winston wanted to just kiss her already. Rita and Sheena were tearful messes and could be heard sniffling. Hell, as Winston looked back at the crowd momentarily, even Ed looked choked up. Natalie smiled but was nowhere near tears. That was predictable.

As they exchanged rings, Lucy seemed to come together. She was aware they turned the corner. No more sappy vows after this. Winston and Lucy signed the schedule, followed by Natalie and Gerry. Natalie appeared willing to throw elbows for her chance to be a witness. Winston realised that he would have to contend with his cousin for all eternity now. Much like his mother and Queen Vanora, she was there to stay. In a way, it was comforting. Lucy had never had someone willing to throw a punch for her. Female friendships seemed altogether different, but essential to women. Winston was grateful for the love and support gathered today. It choked him up again.

Nathan wrapped it up. “I am so pleased to be the first to congratulate you both on your marriage. I wish you a wonderful evening, an enduring marriage, and many blissful years together. Congratulations, to the Earl and Countess of Lauderdale!”