Page 127 of Duchess Material

“Beats a shit camp craft, yeah?”

“I was thinking girl scouts, but yes.”

“Dab your eyes and let’s get on the road.”

“No, no,” Lucy shook her head. “Pin it in my hair. I want to wear it.”

“Brilliant, then.” Natalie looked touched and did as requested. “Lucy, it looks beautiful.”

A dresser handed Lucy a mirror to show where Natalie pinned it.

“It’s great. I will treasure it.”

And, with that, they were off to the venue. There was no stopping them now. As Lucy rode with Ed and Natalie, she beamed. The girls were too jovial. No, this was the night of her life she would never forget as long as she lived. She was going to leave that place, Winston’s wife.

* * *

With a cocktail, Winston waited nervously for his bride at the venue. The staff were in on the surprise wedding. In the suite where the venue hosted them, flowers had been added in an understated way. It wasn’t too much. Just enough. Natalie had chosen roses to go on the mantle where the ceremony happened. Everyone stood as Lucy and Winston said their vows before the fireplace. The photographer took pictures of the table decorations, candles and more roses laid out on a delicate tablecloth. The venue had put out the fine China. It came out beautifully.

The registrar, Nathan, arrived just before the bride. Nathan was a jovial man in a nice suit with rather impressive shoes. He had an accent typical of the area, somewhat Caribbean or even Nigerian. Winston found his tone calming.

“There is no risk they will show early?” Nathan asked.

“No. My mother is notorious for her lack of punctuality. I expect my brother and his fiancée will arrive on time. My mother, sister, and stepfather will arrive soon after.”

“It will be a happy surprise,” Nathan said. “I have never gotten to do one like this. I told my wife just how glad it made me. It’s the best part of my job.”

“I’m glad it suits. We’re over-the-moon.”

Winston was nervous. He had nothing to do until Lucy arrived. When she did, all holds were barred. He rushed to her, wrapping her in a big kiss before standing back to take full stock. Her dress was beautiful. Everything about her stunning. Most notable was the broad smile on her face. She was beaming. There was no stopping them now.

“You look amazing,” Winston said.

“Thanks, so do you, Tony. We’re doing this!”

“We’re doing this.”

She nodded, still beaming.

Winston turned to his cousin. “You have the rings?”

“Rings and her vows, yes.”

“And the jewellery suited?”

Lucy kissed Winston. “I’m wearing the jewellery. The ring was perfect. I’m elated, Winston.”

He could not have loved her any more than he did at that moment. She was about to be his in the most off-the-wall way he could have ever imagined. This was atypical for their family. Given their offbeat courtship, it seemed fitting. He only hoped his mother and Bruno could understand and that their pre-emption would not offend his brother and future sister-in-law.

Lucy grabbed a drink, taking a moment to soak up the feeling. She loved it all. It relieved Winston to see her relax. Lucy was so discerning. Thankfully, Natalie helped. In this case, her overbearing mentality was a relief.

They were prepared when Gerry and Sheena arrived, dressed for a night out and confused about everything.

“What is all this, Winston?” Gerry asked.

Sheena added, “And why are you dressed like you’re about to get married, Lucy?”

“We are,” Lucy beamed. “Surprise!”