Page 115 of Duchess Material

“He basically called me a whore. My dad attempted to punch Winston. It is a hot mess express. We won’t survive normal wedding. We don’t want one. Like, we’re perfectly happy to do something a bit off-beat knowing that it’s just what we want.”

“I am so jealous of you right now. Go on.”

“I know, right? He’s all, ‘Don’t you think you’ll miss it?’ and I assured him that you’re going to get married someday and I will get to plan a royal wedding one way or the other.”

Natalie snickered. “Wow, that’s true.”

“I know. So, we’re going to do an ambush wedding over dinner. People show up, they don’t know why they’re there. We’ve tricked them. The registrar marries us. Boom! And while I’m sad my sister won’t be there; I don’t want to put her in the position of having to defend her choice to attend to the rest of my family. If I write it off as a boneheaded, impulsive thing that no one really got to attend, it will be easier. Call me a bad daughter, but my father is such an evil person that he would ruin my day. I’m convinced Richard would do the same.”

Natalie was dumbfounded. “You’ve planned a clandestine wedding?”

“A little bit?”

“What are you wearing?”

“No clue.”

“I love this. We’ll find you something and the dressers will make sure it is perfect for you. And I insist, you’re taking at least the next week.”

“But I’m going to Vegas—”

“Have you ever taken more than three consecutive days off in a row, Luce?” Natalie knew the answer was no.

“You’re busy, Nat.”

“We will manage just fine without the Countess, alright? She can go off on a little honeymoon, a longer one to come, and enjoy her newly married life,” Natalie insisted.


“Yes. Would I have you come back to work the next morning to deal with the awful Dutch? And have you leave Winston hours after you married him? I’d be a shit cousin, at the least.”

“We’re gonna be forever stuck with one another—you and I.”

Natalie burst into laughter and took a moment to regain her wits. “Girl, if George dropping you like a hot potato to run off with a man did not stop us from being friends, nothing will.”

“You’re right, I guess. But it’s formal, now.”

“I am so, so happy for you, Lucy.” Natalie felt herself choke up.

“Are you going to cry, Natalie?!”

Natalie dabbed a tear. “I might, yeah. Sorry. Forgive me but… I love you both so much. Winston has always just been the kindest soul and he deserves someone who can appreciate that in him. And you deserve someone who would drop everything for you at the drop of a hat to take care of you as you do others.”

“He’s… when we planned this thing,” Lucy let out a sigh. “Well, Winston pretty much handled it. I got angry with him. I struggle to lose control.”

“You don’t say!”

“Oh, hush!”

Natalie gave a cheeky grin. “Go on, darling.”

“Well, he told me he didn’t want me to spend all this time planning. I was complaining about money. I always worry about him spending money on me.”

“You’re about to be his wife. Stop worrying.”

“I know, I know. But, Nat, he just wanted me to enjoy the day. He’s thoughtful enough that he knew I would end up miserable playing private secretary to him if he didn’t put an end to it. It’s hard to drop the rope but I trust him in this. He knows me too well.”

“You two should have always been together. I firmly believe it. I can’t believe I didn’t think about it.”