Page 24 of Duchess Material

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“From pants model all the way to future prince?” John Winslow asked.

“Dad, please. I was never—”

“You always protest. Many people wish they were able to be a pants model,” John noted. “No shame in it.”

“What were you thinking, Edwin?” Margaret asked.

“Mother, I did nothing. I did exactly as I was told.” Ed was irritated.

He and Natalie were out in the open. As predicted, people lost their minds over a simple kiss. It was an amazing kiss, but a kiss all the same.

“That’s a first,” John snickered.

“I don’t know if you know this about Nat, but she can be very exacting. You either listen in a crisis to her or you fail. She’s quite good at… controlling chaos. You don’t argue.”

“You make her sound like a leader,” Margaret said.

“Yes, mother. She was a senior officer in the RAF. And whether I consider it or not, she will be queen. She’s downright authoritative. I only did what she told me to do. She drug me through the paps after I called a car. She kissed me. I did not kiss her. If you watch the damn video, that much is obvious. Wait, don’t! I’m mortified!”

John chuckled. “You were married to Arabella. I would hope you got up to more than that before.”

“Yes, Dad. I’ve had sex before.”

Sunday roast was less-than-ideal, but Ed was determined to catch up while Natalie was out. His mother had practically killed him with her usual guilt trip.

“I bet the King is livid, huh?” John asked.

Ed took a big swig of this drink. “He was unimpressed, to say the least. Blindsided, but Natalie does as Natalie does. No one really controls her.”

“He will need to handle her.” John shook his head.

John’s wife rolled her eyes. “She’s not obedient? Shocker! Dangerous woman!”

“Dad, have you handled Mam? I think the King can pick the hills he is willing to die on—like you. As strong willed as Natalie is, you’ll only anger her. She’s terribly clever. If you dig in, she will best you strategically.”

“I am impressed he lets her talk back at all,” Margaret said. “I think he’s a vestige of the colonial past that should go by the wayside but… at least he’s not an ogre.”

“If he did, he’d start a mutiny.”

John cocked his head. “With whom? Who on earth would challenge him. Doesn’t he run the Firm?”

“You underestimate how much influence the Queen exerts.”

“I always thought she was very well behaved and never spoke out of turn. She’s perfect for the role.”

“You’re mistaken, Dad. He defers to her. Natalie describes her father as obsessed with her mother—always has been. Based on my interactions with them, I agree. She’s not a pushover.”

Margaret smiled. “Good. I always worried for that girl. Her mother-in-law loathed her. And you all know what I thought of Queen Maggie—”

Edwin winced. “Mother, please never share these opinions with Nat and her family.”

God forbid she ever meet them properly.

“I think that is quite old news, Margaret. So, what is it like, son?”

“Is what like?” Ed wondered.