“I love you, Lucy. I don’t know what more to say. I worry you’re on the fence.”
“I am,” Lucy admitted. “I will be honest with you. All of this—our life—it feels right. I couldn’t imagine a more blissful existence with anyone else. All the domestic discord I’ve had before… it isn’t here. Still, the conflict with your family… it’s a mess.”
“You don’t even know there will be conflict. I’m willing to take the hit for a bit to love you, Luce,” Winston insisted. “But I need more.”
“It’s not the same for you as it is for me, Winston. Natalie is your cousin. She’s George’s twin and his bestie. She’s also my dear friend. And their mother and father are technically the big bosses. If I run off with you and they are offended by my falling for you, I could lose my job.”
“Given my mother suspects something is up, isn’t upset, and is the Queen’s everything, I don’t think that’s going to be an issue, Lucy. She protected your position on staff after George left. She will continue to do so.”
“The King is a dude. This is a potential dude code blow up.”
“You know Vanna is the end-all-be-all and he will defer to her. And Natalie already knows and hasn’t made an issue of it. She’s been supportive of you, right?”
Lucy shrugged. “Not that we’ve talked about it in certain terms. I’ve made it clear I don’t quite understand what we are.”
“What are we? If you could name us?” Winston pushed her on it. “What are we, Lucy?”
“I want you to answer first,” Lucy replied.
“No. I asked first! C’mon, Luce.”
“Partners. I’d like us to be able to be partners in every sense of the word but… you’re my partner, Winston,” Lucy said.
“Well, I want the same.”
“You want to call me your girlfriend and make it clear, though?”
“Yes.” Winston shrugged. “I love you. I want to own it publicly. Not to own you, but I’d like to be clear we’re together-together not only flatmates, Luce.”
She smiled almost gleefully. “We could give it a shot.”
“Okay. Then can you please move up to my room and let’s call it a day? I want you to. I want to feel like we’re all in. I need it.”
Lucy looked at him, taking in his sweet face. He was always the most loving soul. Lucy could not have asked to be loved by anyone more caring. She never wanted someone to respect her more or to step up when she needed a voice of reason or a helping hand. She had not found anyone more accepting of her bizarre job, her life experiences, or her quirks. Winston was perfect. But was he too perfect? And would she ever get to ‘I love you’? She’d never know unless she tried to get there. She’d never get there if she didn’t let her walls down.
“Okay,” Lucy agreed. “If it means so much.”
“What are we holding back for?” Winston asked.
“Nothing, I guess. I worried I would hurt you… and me. You’re right. This feels good. It would be stupid to look a gift horse in the mouth. You’re the best person I know, Winston. And you’ve been more than patient.”
Winston squeezed and kissed her hand. “I love you, Lucy. I’ve waited this long.”
“And that’s why I am willing to give it a shot, Winston.”
She leaned over and gave him a quick kiss. “Partners. In every sense, okay?”
* * *
“I don’t want you going but I won’t stop you,” Ed caught himself as he said it.
It was a terrible admission. He realised immediately he sounded like a controlling prick.
Natalie’s eyebrows went up as she spun around from where she was cooking over the hob in the kitchen. “Excuse me?”
Ed cringed. ““I… shit… I didn’t mean it like that. I meant it sort of as a joke. I meant… you being away in Northern Ireland for four days sucks. I will miss you.”
“Uh-huh,” she said, as if she didn’t quite believe him.