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Winston received a strange text from George at the beginning of the honeymoon inviting them to dinner since they were in Chicago. He knew their plans because Rita told Vanna who told her son what was going on. The text was surprisingly genial. Lucy felt almost obligated to go. Winston was against it. Winston agreed in hopes they could coexist peacefully.
After the meltdown at Lucy’s grandmother’s dinner, Winston was less encouraged. By that point, they’d accepted the invite to some fabulous Italian place in the sky. It was too late. The dinner was happening. Lucy was less nervous. She was excited to catch up with George, Patrick, and Paul. Paul stayed with George and Patrick.
Winston smiled at Lucy on the lift to the restaurant. “You look lovely as ever.”
Lucy blushed and squeezed his hand. “I love you. Thanks. I am glad we are just laying it all there. Let’s just be adults, okay?”
“Yes. I wish you were less a grown up sometimes.”
Lucy always took the high road. She was flawless as they greeted their dining partners. George had tempered his dreadful mood. He was trying. Patrick was excited. Paul was overjoyed for them. Lucy had been a big sister to him in a past life despite only having a couple of years on him. Paul was a bit directionless, and Lucy cheered him up.
“So, let’s see the ring, then,” Patrick said. “That’s the polite thing, right?”
Lucy giggled. “I doubt you care, but sure.”
“This is your grandmother’s ring?” George clarified.
Winston nodded. “But originally given to Princess Rikhild.”
Lucy beamed. “It’s beautiful. And Winston had the wedding band custom made. I just love it. I think he did well.”
“And yours?” Patrick asked Winston.
“This is a stock band. He really didn’t care.”
“You two are so similar,” George remarked of Patrick and Winston. “He didn’t care, either. Lucy, did you get demanding?”
“No, God, no!”
“I insisted. Much like I assume you did with Pat, George,” Winston said, tone flat.
Lucy changed the subject. “So, speaking of weddings, how are your plans going?”
“We have planners now. Well, we hope we do if this wanker didn’t scare them off.” George shot Paul a look.
“What? I literally just walked into a room shirtless! I didn’t mean to upset anyone. I swear I didn’t.”
“He ruffled some feathers,” Patrick said. “And didn’t apologise.”
“What? How did that go down?” Lucy laughed.
“I had left the barn and was sweaty. I didn’t expect guests!”
“He asked if they were ‘The Lesbians’,” George shook his head. “They were the daughters of the lesbian couple who run the business. These are the best planners in the city who will not only consider gay weddings but do them flawlessly.”
The sommelier approached.
George insisted, “Lucy, why don’t you pick?”
“Oh, I want a red then,” Lucy rubbed her hands together.
Lucy ordered something expensive and handed it off. At least if she was making George pay for dinner, she was not holding back.
“I didn’t mean to upset them. They were twins. Twins are annoying. How was I to know any of that? No one warned me!”
“It’s our house, bud. George, it’s fine. Sanne and her sister don’t seem like the type to run off,” Patrick said.