Ed guffawed. “He’s paranoid about you ending up with an athlete.”
“Yes, well. He should be,” Natalie met Ed’s gaze.
They stared at one another as if they shared a conclusion. Neither spoke. George continued the story. The rest laughed, but Natalie couldn’t. She was too focused on Ed’s face. It took her some time to come back to Earth. When dinner finished, Ed pulled her into the hallway. They were like kids sneaking away at school. It was as if he’d never kissed her before. In fact, it felt like that time they had stolen away at Buckingham Palace during the Garden Party. It was as if her admission that they may end up together—or, likely would, led them down an incredible, passionate road.
“What are we doing?” Natalie asked. “We’re going to be missed.”
“Let them miss us. I love you. I missed you. I just want to soak you up.”
Natalie let Ed kiss her again, pushing her up against the wall. She allowed him to kiss her neck before pulling his face towards hers once more. She bit his lip and basked in the feeling of his body against hers in a dark hallway.
Natalie eventually came to her senses. “We should get back to it.”
“Give me a minute. I’m not going out there with a rager.”
“What should I talk to you about? Football?”
Ed pulled a face. “That will definitely end it.”
Ed was no fan of footie. It was what made the press accounts that he got on with Patrick because of their “shared love of sport” sort of ridiculous. Yes, they did have a shared love of sport. It just wasn’t about football.
“It would be dreadful for me to end up with you, Ed,” Natalie said, playfully.
“Yes, what would I want with that?” Ed asked.
* * *
Ed woke next to Natalie the morning after the dinner party. He couldn’t sleep. She was jetlagged and sleeping in. He looked at her dishevelled, tiny figure lying there. She seemed almost unreal. Having her back felt like heaven. He padded to the kitchen and found Patrick hitting a protein shake like it was his job.
“Morning reps?” Ed asked him.
Patrick nodded. “Scrimmage today. Are they both still asleep?”
“Nat is exhausted.”
“George is lazy.”
Ed smiled.
“What happened with you two last night?” Patrick asked. “She got all quiet for a bit there.”
“I think we decided we’re going to give this a genuine go. I don’t quite know how I know that, but I am desperate to be with her full-time. It is physically painful to think about her leaving in a few days. She’s amazing. I think we’re going to try.”
“You’re already together.” Patrick pulled a face and shook his head.
“That bad?” Ed joked, nodding at Patrick’s shake.
“This stuff works, but it tastes like shit. I’m old. It helps.”
“I creak when I move. I feel you. I’m looking at another surgery on the opposite shoulder,” Ed sighed. “Natalie isn’t helping. She is relentless.”
Patrick snickered.
“Sorry. That was TMI. She is exhausting.”
“Is it not better to have her be exhausting?”
“It is better. My ex and I weren’t sexually compatible at all.”