Page 97 of The English Queen

“Listen to the doctor, son,” Malcolm told Winston curtly. “Go, go.”

Gerry soon arrived back in a flash with a pile of towels as high as the Gherkin and a pillow. By now, the EMTs arrived. It was a whole charade with Ravi explaining the situation, barking orders, and telling Bruno what to do. Rita’s mother was surprisingly helpful as she’d delivered unexpectedly at home before.

“How would you like to do this Rita?” Ravi asked. “Lying down? Squatting? What?”

“I think I want to squat and brace and get her out as quickly as I can.”

The number of people in the room no longer mattered. Everyone had a place. Rita braced on the arm of the couch, squatting down. Ravi, now washed and in gloves, waited to catch the baby. Bruno coached her. Sabine encouraged her daughter to breathe. By now, Rita felt the unmistakable urge to push. The EMTs were on standby. She screamed. She cried. She swore. It was so painful, but she continued pushing. A few pushes and the woosh of a baby leaving her body hit her. Their baby’s first cries erupted in the near-silent drawing room. Rita sobbed tears of joy as she looked at the tiny face which had emerged.

“Hola, Bernadina,” Bruno laughed through his own tears.

“I did it. I fucking did it.”

Bruno said, “After nearly giving the world a heart attack, you did it. She’s perfect.”

Ravi nodded. “She always knew what she was doing. She should have gone to hospital, though. Never be so stubborn, Rita.”

“Yes, you gave us all a fright, darling.” Sabine watched the baby as the EMTs examined her.

“Let’s transfer you to your back and check on you,” Ravi said.

Rita lay with a pillow propping her head. Eventually, Nina was put on Rita’s chest. She was beautiful. Her little baby was born with tiny whisps of what was that—blonde hair? How did that happen? She had Bruno’s chin. She had her mother’s nose. Rita took the baby girl in as she was examined. Ravi was doing something now.

“You delivered the placenta,” Ravi informed her. “All looks well, as expected. It was fast. And, quite frankly, other than keeping an eye on you, you will be fine. You don’t need stitching. She was easy on you. She’s not tiny, though. I’d guess she’s almost nine pounds. Big head.”

“We have a scale upstairs in the nursery. I bought it when Gerry wasn’t wanting to eat his second week of life to prove to Richard breast milk wasn’t sufficient.”

“I’ll grab it. And a measuring tape.” Sabine rushed off.

An EMT said, “She looks wonderful. Healthy baby girl. Breathing well. You should see the paediatrician in the morning first chance.”

“We will handle the referral and schedule her follow-up,” Ravi agreed. “Not a problem.”

“Thank you for being here,” Rita said. “I am sure your wife wants to kill me.”

“Nah. She was feeling bad for you looking so miserable. Anything to deliver yet one more of these children.”

Rita giggled as she ran her fingers through the baby’s wispy hair. “Your memoirs will be interesting.”

“Look, I wish I could admit to being the official royal baby deliverer but… I fear that would be a huge breach of confidentiality, Rita.”

“I’d sign a release. It’s all too entertaining, this.”

“Totally uneventful. You both did great. And, Bruno, good job for keeping cool. Staying calm isn’t easy at all.”

Sabine returned with the scale to weigh and measure the baby while Bruno settled Rita on the couch. Little Nina was not so little.

“Nine pounds, three ounces,” Ravi chuckled. “54 centimetres. You’re a pro, Rita.”

“At my age, I should be.”

Rita wasted no time getting the baby to feed. Nina required a little encouragement, but soon figured it out. She was hungry. Holding your newborn was the sweetest high. Every part of her was thankful. She loved her daughter so much. Finally, Rita had girl. She had a new life. Bruno held her hand through all of it. If he was frightened, it never clouded his judgement. He had been exactly who she needed. It felt so right. Rita couldn’t have been more in love with anyone in that moment than with Nina. Well, until Malcolm entered and asked if the boys could meet the baby.

“Of course,” Rita said.

The boys came in, one after the other to look at their new little sister. After Nina spent some time on Bruno’s chest, he handed the baby to Gerry and Winston. Rita’s entire heart was in that room with the boys and Nina. Rita mooned as Bruno took photos, so they remembered the moment for years to come. Their family was whole. Everything in the world was right.

Gerry smiled at his little sister. “Best day ever. We will raise her to be strong and loud.”