“Yes, this is The Prince of Wales. I urgently need to reach Princess Bethany,” Robbie explained. “This is a matter of great importance.”
In a heavy accent the woman replied, “She is involved in a meeting with the Danish Ambassador and her husband.”
“Okay, great. I understand. However, this is of great—”
“Is this a matter for the government of Belgium?” The woman asked.
“No,” Robbie said. “Our mother is in hospital and while I am unwilling to ask this under normal circumstances, I need Her Royal Highness to return to Britain immediately.”
“She has a full schedule.”
“Do not make me have my father call her on the phone,” Robbie said sharply.
“Sir, she is busy—”
“Fine,” Robbie said.
He hung up and dialled the other number in his arsenal. It was perhaps a poor choice, but he was in a panic.
“Ja?” the person on the other end actually picked up.
“It is Robert. I’m calling from a secure line. Louis, can you talk?”
“Yes, yes, I can. I am in between things. I am assuming this is not a call to chat?”
“No, unfortunately. I am not meaning to sack anyone here, but this is of upmost importance. Are you near where Beth is?”
“We are in Brussels, yes. I’m in my office. She’s here. Unclear where. She is meeting with dignitaries today—”
“Great. Sorry. Mum is in hospital. She’s had a seizure and is under observation. She fell and also has a concussion. Thankfully, that’s all. It could have been dreadful, but it was only minorly terrible. Either way, Duncan is now in the air with Rebecca. Elliot is in China. I made Beth Counsellor of State while she was home last. I have no one else to call. She’s my last hope here, Louis. I wouldn’t be calling, otherwise.”
“So, you need Beth to come home?”
“Yes,” Robbie said. “If I had anyone else to call… I would. I know my mother told me not to send Duncan here for this very reason but—”
“The small children thing. It’s no trouble. Could you not reach her?”
“Her staff were unwilling to deliver this message.”
“I will deal with that. And I will speak with her directly after she is free from this meeting. Alright?”
“Yes. Thank you, Louis. Really and truly. Thank you.”
“I can’t imagine the position you are in, Robert. I know you’re a day’s flight away. Everyone is scattered. Perfect storm. It’s smart you added her to the ledger to act on your behalf. I will file that away.”
“It was my aunt’s recommendation.”
“She is wise.”
Robbie nodded. “Yes, yes, it was. Tell Beth I am sorry I didn’t get to speak to her directly but now I have to get back to the PM and explain the situation. Beth is now in charge until Mum is back home and Sabine is free, alright? I will have my staff explain this to the palace staff in London. No need to panic. I just need someone there who can do the job if needed. She is prepared for this.”
“She will be fine,” Louis said. “I mean, upset. She will be worried but… who wouldn’t be.”
“Mum is okay. They will put her on medication and her doctors say this isn’t a bad sign overall. They said it was normal–a possibility–and if anyone can understand what it is like, it is Bethany,” Robbie sighed.
“Correct. She’s remarkably resilient. I wish I had a bit more of that in me.”
“Me, too,” Robbie said. “Fuck. I am panicking.”